squeeze my hands - part two - ITZY sixth member (requested)

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It didn't take too long for things to pick up.

You thought when things first began that the pain was bad but as you progressed more into everything and your little one got closer and closer to entering the world, the pain became intolerable.

Ryujin stayed by your side, doing everything that she could to help comfort and encourage you.

You were discouraged and convinced that it was never going to end and Ryujin tried to comfort you through it.

"Oh, god," You groaned, squeezing her hands tight as you sat on the floor on your knees, breathless and whimpering through the pain. "It's so awful, Ryujin."

"I know, baby." She said as she brushed her thumb across your knuckles. "You're doing an amazing job though, my love. You're so strong."

You wanted to argue with her because the last thing you felt at that moment was strong.

But, at the same time, you were a little amazed over your own body and how you were capable of trying to bring your baby into the world.

Ryujin was amazed too, as were the girls, who had to leave the room a little while ago due to struggling to see you in such intense pain.

But Ryujin was still right there with you, swearing that she wasn't going anywhere.

"You're like a superwoman." She said as the pain faded away and your eyes locked. "You're about to bring our baby into the world soon. That takes a lot of strength, baby. And you're doing so great. I'm just so proud of you."

She's known you for so long.

You've been through a lot together when it comes to being in ITZY as well as being an idol in general.

But seeing you like this, seeing you work hard to bring your little one into the world, left her in awe and she was just so amazed by you.

And as the pain started again, she just encouraged you.

"Squeeze hard." She said. "I'm right here, baby. You're doing great. It won't be long until our baby is in the world."


And she was right.

Because things started to go by faster.

Of course, that meant that it only became more painful.

But, nevertheless, you were much closer to your little one entering the world.

Hours had gone by since things started.

The sun has been down for a while, the time was somewhere around four-thirty am, and you were still going.

"You're amazing." Ryujin whispered. "You're getting closer now, baby."

You tried to get through the pain that you were currently dealing with, trying to breathe deep, only for your breaths to come out fast and unevenly.

And then, something seemed to change.

You felt it and as soon as you looked into Ryujin's eyes, she knew right away that the time had come.

"You're ready?"

You nodded.

"I'll be back in just a second, baby. I'm going to get the doctor." She said and kissed your head before getting up and hurrying out to the other room to get the doctor.

She saw the girls, who were all awake and antsy in the waiting room.

Her eyes met Lia's and Lia caught everyone else's attention, all of them looking over at her.

"It's time." Ryujin excitedly told them.

And they all squealed in excitement, knowing that soon, your little one would enter the world and make ITZY grow a little more.

Ryujin hurried back into the room and helped you onto the bed.

She took your hand and kissed your cheek softly.

"Are you alright?" She asked as she sensed your nerves.

"What if I can't do it?" You asked.

She shook her head with a smile.

"You can." She said as she squeezed your hand. "You've got this. I know you do."

You nodded your head and took a deep breath.

"Let's have a baby." She said and intertwined your fingers together.

"Let's do it." You said.


And just a little while later, your baby entered the world, and you and Ryujin were in tears over how perfect they were.

"Our little girl." She said as she placed her hand on the baby's back. "She's just so... perfect."

She kissed your forehead as you both basked in how sweet and beautiful your baby was.

Finally, they were here in your arms, and they were even more perfect than you and Ryujin thought they'd be.

You couldn't be happier, knowing that you were both finally complete and that you had the brightest and happiest future ahead with your little girl.

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