you have an allergic reaction (requested)

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"Thank you so much!" Ryujin told the waitress as she placed your food down in front of you as well as Ryujin's in front of her.

Tonight, you and Ryujin are out on a date.

It's not your first one but you're still in the process of getting to know each other as you fall hard for each other.

She brought you to one of the nicest places in the city and you were losing it over how good the food here looked and smelled.

You were practically drooling over the food in front of you and didn't hesitate to start eating as Ryujin began to eat hers as well.

"So what would you like to do after this? I was thinking we could go to the beach if you'd like. It's a beautiful night. It'd be really romantic." She suggested and watched you smile at her in response, making her heart race.

"Okay." You agreed.

You ate a few more bites of your food before you began to feel uncomfortable.

You began to scratch your body as an uncontrollable itch came over you.

You couldn't help but scratch yourself, it was so intense.

Ryujin was talking once more but she stopped and froze as her eyebrows furrowed.

"What is it? Why are you looking at me that way?" You asked.

"Baby, you're broken out in hives." She said. "They are all over your body."

You looked down at your arms and legs to find hives covering every inch of your skin.

"Do you have an allergy of some sort?"

"Peanuts but it didn't say that this meal contained any."

Ryujin grabbed your plate and slid it across the table toward herself before she started to poke at the food with her fork.

"There's peanuts!" She said. "I see them mixed in here."

You groaned before you continued to scratch across your body, feeling as though you were in complete agony over how itchy and uncomfortable you felt.

Ryujin felt terrified because your entire body seemed to be covered in hives, all the way from your head to your toes, and you looked so miserable over it.

"What can I do, baby? Do I need to take you to the hospital?" She asked in a panic.

"It's not a bad idea." You said as you continued to scratch.

She threw some money on the table to cover the bill before you both got up and hurried out of the restaurant and to the car.

Ryujin drove you to the nearest hospital and they gave you some medicine to help with your hives before discharging you as the hives slowly but surely began to go away.

"Are you still itchy, baby?" She asked as she cuddled with you on your sofa.

"A little but not as bad." You said and looked at her, noticing that she was staring at you with worried eyes. "I'll be okay. I got medicine for it. They'll go away completely pretty soon."

"I just feel bad for you. You were covered in them, babe. I'd never seen someone so broken out before."

"Don't worry, though. I'll be alright in no time."

"Well, one thing's for certain, we are not going back to that restaurant for our next date... or any other date."

You chuckled before she kissed your lips softly.

"Thank you for taking care of me and for staying with me for a while."

"No problem, my love. I want to make sure you're okay. I might have to stay overnight if they don't go away. You know, just to be safe."

It was just an excuse for her to stay over with you and hold you close all night.

But you didn't refuse.

You just giggled and kissed her again.

"I'd like that." You said as she continued to keep you close, hoping you'd feel better in no time.

And from now on, she'll be sure to always make sure that your food never contains peanuts.

She'll do her absolute best to protect you and keep you safe always, no matter what.

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