you get jealous (requested)

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"I missed you," Ryujin said and kissed your cheek before as you walked through town together, enjoying the fresh air on the sun on your shoulders.

It's a beautiful afternoon and you have the entire day to spend together for the first time in a long time, and you're so happy that you can't even find the words to express it.

You love her big bright smile and it makes you just as happy to see that it has yet to fall as you talk about anything and everything together; just happy to be with each other again.

"I missed you too." You put your head on her shoulder, but quickly lifted it and looked across the street, where you heard a few loud screams coming from excited fans who recognized Ryujin.

You let her go as they ran across the street and over to you so they could see her. You're more than happy to spend a few minutes watching her interact with fans.

You know how much they all mean to her and vice versa. So you're happy to stand back and take photos like most fans ask, just so you could see her smile and watch her make dreams come true.

But there was something different about these girls.

They were about her age, maybe a year or so younger, at the most. They were quite... flirtatious with your girl.

You tried not to let it bother you. Just stand there and smile and in a few minutes, it would all stop as you resume your afternoon together.

You watched them interact with her. One brushed her fingers along Ryujin's arm, her fingertips slowly inching to hers. Ryujin didn't think too much of it and held her hand as she does sometimes at fan meetings. It's just innocent to her.

She listened intently as they spoke, tilting her head to gaze at them with bright eyes and that smile you adore. She nodded every now and then, giggling on occasion as they talked and then took a quick selfie together.

The next one came up and you couldn't help the pang of jealousy you felt when you saw her sink her teeth into her lip. She spoke to the fans the same way she always does; sweetly and with care, wanting them to know she cares and she's happy to listen if they want to talk.

This went on for a few minutes. Every fan seemed to get on your nerves more than the last. Usually, you like seeing them meet her and you enjoy watching how her eyes light up when she speaks to them or hear her become close with the fans during the time they spend together.

But you sorta just wished these ones would hurry up and go.

You took photos, but not happily. You forced a smile when they'd acknowledge you, despite the fact that you were side-eyeing them as they walked away and finally let Ryujin return to your side.

"Ready to go?" She asked as she came back to you.

She held her hand out but you didn't take it.

"What is it, baby?"

"Nothing." You grumbled but Ryujin shook her head and pinched your cheeks.

"Obviously that's not true. Your sweet smile is gone and you seem upset with me. Did I do something wrong? Did one of them say or do something to upset you?"

"Other than the fact that they flirted with you and you flirted back with them, no."

"Oh, baby. I'm so sorry. It was just harmless, I swear."

"It's fine, I guess." You mumbled. "I'm just always afraid you might end up falling for someone else one day."

"Never." She said as she kissed your cheeks. "I love you and only you. It'll never happen again. I'm sorry if I upset you. Can I take you to your favorite cafe for your favorite thing to make it up to you?" She asked, her eyes full of hope as she stroked your cheek.

You watched her smile as you nodded your head.

"I love you." She spoke against your lips as she gave you a sweet kiss.

"I love you too."

She booped your nose and grinned when you scrunched it up before she put her arm around you and continued to walk with you, wanting to make this beautiful day as special as she could.

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