dropping your daughter off on her first day of school (requested)

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"Mommy, mommy!" Your little girl excitedly said as she rushed down the stairs with Ryujin following behind her.

She entered the kitchen where you were finishing getting her backpack together.

"Hi, angel." You smiled. "Did mom do your hair?"

She had her hair up in pigtails and a big smile on her face.

There were little holes inside of her precious smile, as she's starting to lose a couple of her baby teeth now that she's five.

Your little girl nodded her head happily and it melted your heart as she burst into giggles when Ryujin suddenly picked her up and peppered kisses against her cheek.

Your little girl is yours and Ryujin's entire world. She's your everything. You look back sometimes on the days before she came into the world and you just think about how much better life is because of her.

She's growing up now and fast.

She just turned five a few days ago and today is her first day of kindergarten.

Thinking about it makes you a little sad, you can't deny that.

But you're trying to keep from showing that by keeping a smile on your face.

"You look so pretty, sweetie." You smiled as you walked to where Ryujin was holding onto her, giving her a kiss on her forehead. "Are you ready for your first day at school?"

"Yeah!" She excitedly said.

"Well, we should leave now, so we're not late!" Ryujin said and stared at your little girl in her arms with a proud smile on her face.

You grabbed everything and put the almost empty bowl of cereal into the sink that your daughter had for breakfast.

You headed out the door, lingering a few seconds as you realized that, for the first time, in a little while you'll be returning home without her for the day.

"Y/N? Baby, come one." Ryujin said as she saw you staring into the house.

You nodded wordlessly and closed the front door. You made sure it was locked before you got into the car.

You sat in the passenger seat as Ryujin drove.

The school wasn't far from your home, just a few minutes away, and the entire drive there your little girl just spoke about how incredibly excited she was about her first day.

"You're going to make so many friends!" You said.

"Yeah!" She cheerfully replied, making Ryujin smile once again as she looked into the rearview mirror, just for a second.

Ryujin pulled the car into the parking lot and it came to a stop before you got out of it together.

You opened the back door and unbuckled your daughter before she got out, wrapping her small fingers around yours and Ryujin's as you walked to the doors of the school.

You were greeted by a few teachers and parents that were doing the same thing as you and Ryujin; letting go of their children for the first time on their first day of school.

You walked her down the hall until you reached the classroom.

"Well, hello!" The teacher grinned. "It's so lovely to see you. Are you ready for your first day of school?"

Your daughter grinned as she quickly nodded her head, her big eyes sparkling as Ryujin let go of her hand.

"Okay. Come on, give me a quick hug." Ryujin said as she knelt on the floor, smiling brightly as your daughter threw her small arms around her neck. "Oh, I'm going to miss you. Have a great day!"

"Okay, mom," Your little girl smiled.

She turned to you, watching as you also knelt on the floor.

It was much harder for you for some reason.

"Come here," you said and opened your arms and tried so hard to keep the tears in your eyes from falling as she hugged you tightly.

A moment passed by before Ryujin rubbed your shoulder.

"We have to let her go." She spoke into your ear.

You let out a shaky breath as you let go of your daughter, watching as she excitedly rushed into the classroom, waving to you and Ryujin before she started to go and meet other students.

"We'll see you in a few hours." The teacher said and Ryujin helped you stand up.

"See you then," Ryujin said.

The door closed and Ryujin pulled you into her arms.

"She's growing up so fast. Soon, she'll be going off to college."

"Oh, baby," Ryujin chuckled. "We've got a long time before that day comes."

You put your cheek on her shoulder as she held you close.

"I know it's not easy but we've got to let her grow up. This is going to be good for her. It'll be good for us. She has to be able to stand on her own two feet sooner or later. She's going to make friends and enjoy learning new things every day. It's not easy but it's something that we have to let her do."

You pulled away from Ryujin.

"I know. You're right. I just love her so much. I don't want her to grow up."

"Sooner or later, she's going to. Let's just cherish all of these special moments we've got with her. She's going to be just fine."

"Okay." You said with a small smile and Ryujin gave you a quick kiss on your forehead before she took your hand and you walked out of the school.

You were already counting down the hours until you could come back and pick her up.

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