fighting in front of the girls (requested)

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You jumped up from the kitchen chair and rushed to look out the window as soon as you heard the sound of a car pulling into the driveway.

Your heart began to race with excitement when you realized it was Ryujin's.

Finally, she was home.

You've spent the majority of the day by yourself, speaking to friends and family as they called and texted you to wish you a happy birthday.

You knew the chances of Ryujin having the day off to spend with you was unlikely when the girls have so much going on.

But it was okay because she promised to spend the evening with you.

That was the agreement you made a couple of days ago and you've been eagerly waiting for her to arrive home so you can finally have some time with your girl on your birthday, wanting nothing more than to eat the meal you made with her and spend the time wrapped in her arms.

You rushed back to the table as the front door opened and proudly prepared to show off what you done.

Even though it's your special day, you wanted to make it romantic and set up some candles around the plates of your favorite food that you made.

But to your surprise, it wasn't just Ryujin that walked through your front door.

All of the girls were here, much to your shock.

The only light in the room was the candles across the table and it instantly caught Ryujin's attention.

"Well, this is a surprise." She said as she looked from everything on the table and to you.

"I-I thought you'd be alone." You said.

"Why would I be alone? I brought the girls over to hang out. I needed some time outside of the studio with them."

They frowned and stared at each other in confusion and then at Ryujin.

"I didn't think that's why you brought us over here today," Lia said.

"I thought it would just be us." You said. "That's what you said. That we'd spend the evening alone."

"I don't remember saying anything like that." She said. "Why are you getting so upset about me bringing the girls over? It's not a huge deal, y/n."

"That's not what you usually say. You usually tell me that today is a huge deal." You replied and watched her stare at you with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Why would I say that? What's so special about today?"

The girls went wide-eyed.

They knew what today was and they thought they were coming over with Ryujin to celebrate your birthday.

"I don't want to be rude but is there any way they can come back in a couple of hours and or tomorrow so we can spend a little while together? I mean, I went through all of this to make my favorite meal for today and I just want to spend some time with you."

"Why are you being like this?" Ryujin asked as she threw her head back with a groan of frustration.

It was the opposite reaction that you expected from her.

"Stop being so clingy and annoying and let me hang out with my friends!"

"Ryujin!" Yeji sternly said.

"What? It's true. I need some time with my friends after the day I had. You're being annoying by not wanting me to have that. Don't be so clingy!"

"I think we should go." Chaeryeong said, clearly uncomfortable.

"No. Don't go. Just stay. That's what Ryujin wants." You said and it was easy to detect the hurt you felt.

"Y/N," Yuna softly spoke.

"What? It's fine. She doesn't even remember what today is."

"What? What is it?" Ryujin asked in annoyance.

"Your girlfriend's birthday!" Yeji yelled, just as annoyed as Rujin, but only annoyed with her and how she was acting.

"What?" Ryujin asked quietly, looking from the girls and over to you. "It can't be."

"It is." You said as tears welled up in your eyes. "Obviously, you don't care though."

"No, baby, I do." She said. "I just forgot. It completely slipped from my mind."

"Well, I would've reminded you but why would I when I'm just annoying and clingy? Right?"

Her heart shattered over seeing you so heartbroken, knowing that she was the entire reason why.

"Why don't you all stay?" You sniffled as you wiped the tears from your cheeks. "Enjoy my birthday dinner with Ryujin. I suddenly don't feel like celebrating and especially not with her."

You rushed up the stairs as she and the girls yelled out for you.

But you only answered in response by slamming the door as loudly as possible and turning the lock.

"Wow, nice going, Ryujin," Lia said.

"What a wonderful way to celebrate your girlfriend's birthday - by making her cry," Yuna said and Ryujin took a seat on the sofa, tears stinging her eyes as she realized just how much she'd messed up.

She ruined your  birthday. Your special day. And she didn't know how to even begin making it up to you or how to forgive herself for doing so.

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