she's too short to kiss you (requested)

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You closed the fridge door and hummed to yourself as you walked to the stove.

As you turned it on and began to prepare dinner for you and Ryujin, you felt a pair of arms wrap around you as she hugged you from behind.

She had a long day today and she was feeling a little unwell so you decided that you'd make a nice meal for you to share.

You had a feeling that she would be a little clingy with you while you cooked and, honestly, you had no problem with that at all.

"Hi, baby." You happily spoke as you turned around to face her.

"Hi." She said as a bright smile pulled at her face.

You had the feeling that this was the first time she's smiled all day and it warmed your heart melted at the thought of you being the only one to be able to make that happen.

"What do you want, my love?"

"I just missed you." She said as she put her head on your chest. "I know you just left my side a moment ago to cool but I really did miss you."

"I missed you too, darling." You said as you kissed her head.

But that wasn't enough for her.

She wanted a kiss on her lips, not her head.

She puckered her lips and closed her eyes, waiting for your lips to touch hers.

But they didn't, even after a few seconds.

She opened her eyes and stared at you as a little pout appeared on her lips.

"Give me a kiss." She spoke, puckering her lips again.

"Let me think about it," You teased.

"Baby," She whined before she tried to kiss you.

But she couldn't reach your lips.

She had to stand on her tiptoes and you couldn't help but chuckle at the adorable sight.

"Why are you laughing?" She asked. "I just want a kiss."

"I know, my love. It's just so cute how you're too short to kiss me and have to stand up on your tiptoes." You said as you tickled her sides.

"It's not my fault I'm shorter than you." She said.

"Much shorter than me." You teased as you pat her head.

"Give me a kiss already!" She said as she continued to pout, waiting to get her way.

"Okay, short stuff." You joked.

"I'm not that short." She said.

"I beg to differ, lil angel."

She folded her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes at you.

You cupped her cheek in your hand as she stood back on her tippy toes, your lips finally meeting her soft ones.

"There you go, tiny."

She giggled at all of the new names you were calling her and she couldn't deny that it made her heart flutter.

"I love you." You said as you kissed her again. "And I love that you're so short. It's fun to tease you."

"I love you more." She said as your lips continued to move against hers.

And even though she wasn't that much shorter than you, she couldn't deny that she enjoyed the lighthearted teasing from you as it made her feel happy and adored.

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