you'll always have me (requested)

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"Can you believe how close it's getting?" Ryujin asked as she stared down at you, her thumb brushing along your knuckles, and occasionally the ring on your finger, absentmindedly.

Your special day was getting closer. It's just a few weeks from now that you'll be tying the knot, vowing to spend the rest of your lives together.

You're excited but other than choosing the date and picking out your dress, you haven't really planned much and you haven't exactly told Ryujin why.

"We really do need to start writing out invitations and talking about how many people we want there. I want the girls there, of course. I know you'll want your friends. I'll invite my parents,"

She continued to speak, but you didn't really hear anything else she said. You were in your own head, trying your hardest to swallow back the lump in your throat that was forming over the mention of family.

"Y/N?" Ryujin questioned and brushed her fingertips along your arms soothingly upon finding that you seemed to have zoned out. "Are you alright?"

You sat up slowly and moved to sit against the pillows stacked along the headboard of the bed. You played with your fingers and tried to hide the heartache you felt that seemed to be getting stronger by the second.

"Are you having second thoughts?" She wondered and watched your eyes go wide as you looked over at her and then quickly shook your head.

"No! No, Ryujin, that's not it at all, I promise. I want to marry you more than anything else in this world. Trust me, I'm not changing my mind on that."

"Then what's going on? You seem so tense all of a sudden. You keep pushing off planning the wedding and I don't understand why." She spoke and looked almost nervous as her eyes locked with yours.

"I'm just... sad."

"Sad? Why, baby?" She asked as she instinctively moved closer to you, her arms wrapping around you at the mention of you feeling sad. She felt the need to hold you, to hug you tight, and try her hardest to make you feel better.

"You get to invite your family. I can't. Mine hasn't ever been all that nice or supportive. There's no way they'll be in attendance to show me their love and support now when they're completely against us. They're really homophobic, Ryujin. I guess it just hurts that I won't have them there on our special day."

A sad sigh fell from her lips and her grip on you got a little tighter.

"I've always known it. When I came out to them, they shunned me. They just stopped speaking to me, swore that they'd never look at me the same again and that I was unwelcomed in the family completely. So, I tried to accept that. But now, I envy you a little for having such a loving and supportive family. They'll be there for you." You chuckled tearfully and closed your eyes as she brushed her lips against your head, a tear streaming down your cheek.

"You've got a family that loves and cares for you endlessly, y/n. Maybe not by blood, but what does that matter? My family adores you. They're not gonna be there just for me, but for you too, for us. They love you. Screw your family,"

You interrupted her with a tearful chuckle.

"You've got me. You've got the girls, you know they all love you lots. You've got your friends, which are like your family. You've got my family. You've got so many people who are gonna be in attendance that day to support you like they always have and will for years to come."

You put your head back against her shoulder, finding comfort in the sound of her voice and her kind and reassuring words.

"I'm sorry your family is like that. I'm sorry they're so closed-minded and they can't care or accept others for who they are. I'm sorry they make you feel bad. But please, don't worry about them. That day is going to be wonderful. It's their loss that they can't be involved in your life, not yours. You're perfect just the way you are. You've got lots of people who love you and, you know you'll always have me."

You turned around to face her. You sniffled and closed your eyes as she brushed her thumb below your eyes to wipe away your tears.

"You always know what to say to make me feel better."

She smiled at you and leaned in to lay a sweet kiss on your lips.

"Thank you, Ryujin."

"No need to thank me, my love. It's only the truth. Let's not worry about wedding planning tonight. Let's watch a movie. I'll give you all the cuddles you want."

You laid back in her arms, your back against her chest as she tangled your legs together and held you tight.

"I love you, always." She whispered as she pushed the sleeve of your shirt aside to drop a few kisses to your shoulder.

"Love you too." You said as you intertwined your fingers, your eyes down on the ring on your finger. Your heart fluttered with happiness, knowing you have a bright future ahead with Ryujin, surrounded by endless and unconditional love.

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