taken (requested)

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You pulled the keys out of the engine and got out of your car with your phone pressed to your ear.

As you closed the car door, you heard your girlfriend's sweet voice on the phone and it warmed your heart as you sensed the happiness in her voice from your unexpected call.

"Hi, baby! What's up?" She answered.

"Guess where I am right now." You said and waited a second as she hummed, thinking about where you could be. "I'm outside the building, babe."

A soft gasp fell from her lips and your heart fluttered at the sound.

"You're here? Seriously?"

"Yeah. I brought you some food. Figured I'd see you for a bit if that's okay."

"Yes, that's perfectly okay! I'll be right down!" She said before ending the call.

You giggled to yourself, practically able to picture her running out of either the studio to come and see you. You stood at the door for a minute or two before you saw her face as she hurried to the door and let you in.

You walked inside, a little cold from the chilly outside air. Sensing this, Ryujin took off her jacket and put it over your shoulders before kissing your cheek.

"I can't believe you're here! This is so unexpected but so great. Truly, baby." She smiled as she stroked your cheek. "I've been thinking about you all day long."

"I've been thinking about you too. I always wonder how you're doing on days like these when you and the girls have a lot going on. I wonder if you eat and stay hydrated enough. So, I brought you some food, hoping I wouldn't bother or interrupt anything."

"Not at all, baby. I promise." She assured and leaned in to kiss your lips only for you to suddenly turn your head and dodge her kiss.

She frowned and looked at you, finding that your gaze rested on the workers in the building.

Ryujin couldn't understand why your attention and focus were on all of them instead of her. But one glance in the direction you were looking explained why. All of the employees had their eyes on you. Like Ryujin, they couldn't help but be mesmerized by your beauty.

She understood how they felt. But she also felt a rush of jealousy flood over her.

She knows how it feels to take one glance and fall head over heels for you.

That's how it happened for her.

The day you met, you left her speechless.

You made everything else fade out around her and she was only able to focus on you.

Her chest filled with butterflies and she couldn't take her eyes off of you.

You felt her staring, just like you felt the workers in JYP staring.

The difference is that now, you're her girl.

She's not possessive of you, but she is very protective.

She knows people are going to stop and stare at you. But she doesn't like it when their gazes linger like this.

To make it clear that you're taken, Ryujin decided to show all of the workers that you were hers and all hers, by pushing her lips onto yours for a passionate kiss.

She cupped your cheeks in her hands and pulled you in for a kiss, her lips moving fiercely against yours.

You melted right away and put your arms around her neck to try and pull her closer to you, which made her smirk against your lips.

She pulled away a moment later and bit her lip as she heard the workers muttering a little.

"She's taken, if you couldn't tell." She announced and kissed you once more before taking your hand into hers and walking to the studio with you, her smile big and bright as she knew everyone around knew you were taken, and happily so.

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