she picks your daughter up from school when she gets home from tour (requested)

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"Our alone time is coming to an end, my love." You said to Ryujin as you pulled away from her lips. "Our daughter is getting out of school soon and I have to go pick her up."

"Actually," She spoke against your lips as she gave you a quick peck. "Would you be alright if I go get her from school? I've missed her so much while being away and I know she's missed me too."

"She has." You confirmed and watched a smile pull at Ryujin's lips. "I think that's a great idea."

You shared a few more quick pecks before getting off of her lap.

She stood up and went over to the table where the car keys were.

Grabbing them, she gave you a quick hug and kiss goodbye before heading out the door.

Her heart was racing with excitement as she hurried to the car and got inside.

She's been away on tour until this morning for the last three months and, sadly, your daughter and you were unable to go see her since she couldn't miss school and you couldn't miss work.

So this is the first time she'll see her little girl again in months, her sweet little six-year-old that has her whole heart and she loves more than anything.

She quickly drove off to the school, waving goodbye to you from where you stood on the front porch.

She arrived about ten minutes later and pulled into a parking spot before getting out.

She walked in front of the car and pulled her phone out of her pocket to check the time and her heart started to race once more when she realized it was only a couple of minutes before your little girl got out of school for the day.

She tapped her foot on the ground and kept looking around through all the other parents that were waiting for their children.

And a moment later, she heard the doors open and the bell ring, followed by excited shrieks and voices coming from all the kids hurrying out the school doors.

She stood on her heels and looked everywhere until she spotted your daughter.

And when she saw her, her eyes almost filled with tears from the immense happiness that she felt overwhelming her.

"Olivia! Honey!" She yelled out, catching her little girl's attention.

And when she saw Olivia running to her, she ran right over to her and picked her up in her arms before spinning her around.

"Mommy!" Olivia smiled as she hugged Ryujin tight.

"Oh, my baby," Ryujin spoke as she closed her eyes. "I'm so happy to finally see you."

Those three months had been full of moments and memories that she wouldn't ever forget.

But though there were happy times mostly, she did miss her sweet little family; you and the little girl that you share and love so much.

"You're home!"

"I am, baby, I'm home!" Ryujin grinned as she pulled away from the hug. "How have you been? How's school been?"

"Good! I made this for you."

She placed a painting of the three of you in Ryujin's hands and Ryujn's heart nearly burst out of her chest at the sweet sight.

To most, it would be considered far from perfect.

But to Ryujin, it was everything and she was so in love with it.

"I think we've got a future little artist here!" Ryujin said before tickling Olivia's sides, making her giggle happily. "It's amazing, honey. I'm going to cherish this. I'm going to carry it everywhere with me."

Olivia smiled a little before Ryujin watched it fall, making her frown.

"What is it?"

"Are you leaving again?"

"No. Not for a while, baby. I'm home now."

Olivia's eyes lit up and she threw her arms around her mom's neck once more.

"You're my whole world, you know that? You know that I love you all the way to the moon and back?"

"Yeah!" Olivia said.

"Good. Now, what do you say we stop for ice cream on the way home? Just you and me."


"Okay!" Ryujin laughed over Olivia's joy and excitement before helping her into the car.

She buckled her up and then got into the driver's seat once more before driving off to the ice cream shop, both of them singing and talking the entire way.

And all Ryujin could think about was how good it felt to finally be home with her girls again.

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