your homophobic parents see you kissing (requested)

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The tap on your window almost made you jump out of your skin.

"Ryujin!" You quietly spoke as you got out of bed and opened the window, allowing for your girlfriend to come inside. "What are you doing here? It's after midnight. My parents are just down the hall."

She quietly closed the window before she wordlessly pulled you into her arms to give you the biggest hug that she could.

"I missed you."

You closed your eyes as you held her tight, feeling all of your worries and stresses fade instantly as you melted into the warmth and comfort of her embrace.

"I missed you too."

She pulled away from the hug a moment later so she could kiss your lips, making you melt even more.

"I know it's late and I know your parents are just across the hall but I couldn't go any longer without seeing you." She explained and you just took her hand to bring it to your lips for a kiss before walking to your bed with her.

You're head over heels for each other. You've been together for a few months now but no one but the girls and her family knows.

You have to always be safe and stay as private as possible.

Not just because she wants to keep your relationship private and out of the public eye, but also because your parents are extremely against that.

It's been a secret you've kept for the longest time.

You like girls... a lot.

Your parents are against that though and despite being an adult and being able to make your own choices now, you're still so afraid of them finding out, especially because you're still trying to get on your feet so you can get out on your own soon and get far, far away from them.

So sneaking around is not uncommon for the two of you, sadly.

"Baby? What are you thinking about?" Ryujin wondered as she noticed how quiet you'd become.

She knows by now that you're most quiet like this when you're caught up in your thoughts and she wanted to know what they were.

She stroked your cheek and your eyes met, allowing for you to see the sparkles inside of them.


She smiled a little, her forehead falling onto yours.

"I'm crazy about you and I'm tired of hiding and sneaking around."

"I know. I am too." She sighed. "You know, you can always come stay with the girls and me, at the dorms. It's no bother."

It's a conversation that's been coming up a lot lately.

She knows how much of a toll it's taking on you to have to hear your parents talk so negatively about people in the lgbt+ community, especially since you're part of it.

She knows you want to get out of here because you're afraid of them and what they'd do if they found out, despite you being an adult.

"Can we talk about that later?"

"Of  course. What do you want to do?"

As soon as the words left her lips, yours were touching hers and she couldn't help the soft sigh that escaped from her mouth.

"I see." She smirked as she gently pushed at your shoulders, making you fall back onto your bed.

If making out is what you wanted to do, Ryujin wasn't going to argue about that. She was more than happy to be able to spend some time with you just like this, always feeling more than happy to make you feel loved and spoil you with as many kisses as your heart desires.

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