cuddling at night (requested)

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"What time is it?" You asked and Ryujin looked at the clock before looking back at you.

"One-thirty am."

She placed her hand on your cheek, softly brushing her fingers across your skin as you stared at adoringly gazed at each other.

You're not curled up with each other currently, you're just laying close to each other.

Your eyes felt heavy just as hers did but no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to fall asleep.

"It's like time is dragging by." She said. "I'm tired but I just can't rest."

"Same here." You sighed. "I'm so happy I don't have work tomorrow and I'm sure you're happy that you don't either."

"Extremely." She spoke as she kissed your shoulder. "What are we going to do to occupy ourselves if we can't sleep all night?"

"We could watch some movies." You said. "And cuddle."

"Cuddle? I'd love that. Come over here, cuddle me, baby."

As she opened her arms, you sent her a sleepy but sweet smile before scooting over to her.

You put your head on her shoulder as she tightly wrapped her arms around you, holding you as close as she could.

"You know how much I love you?" She whispered in your ear.

"You know I love you just as much, right?" You asked as you gazed into her soft brown eyes.

"I know." She said as she kissed your head softly. "Maybe staying up all night wouldn't be so bad. I could use some quality time with my girl."

"Yeah, me too," You replied, unable to hide how excited the thought made you through your fast heartbeat and your smile. "Hold me tighter."

She wordlessly but happily nodded her head as she held you tighter, so close now that your legs were tangled together and your clothed chests touched.

"I've missed you." You said as she put her forehead on yours.

"Missed you more." She whispered as she kissed your lips softly.

The kiss wasn't passionate or steamy, it was just loving and romantic, like your girl is.

"I want more nights like these." She said. "Where we stay up all night and talk about whatever as we cuddle and kiss."

"Me too." You said. "You're always so worth the lack of sleep."

"Yeah, you are too... sometimes."

You playfully smacked her shoulder, making her giggle infectiously.

"Kidding. You always are." She assured before kissing you again. "Should I turn on a movie?"

"In a few. For now, let's keep cuddling and kissing."

"I like that idea." She said before kissing you said. "I love you so much, pretty girl:"

"I love you too, baby," You said as you stared into her eyes, enjoying every second in her arms.

Ryujin Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now