you're scared of the thunder (requested)

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"Ryujin? Baby, are you still awake?" You quietly spoke, breaking the silence in the air.

The only other things that can be heard are her soft breaths and the thunder that continues to calp and almost make you jump out of your skin.

The room is dark, the lightning outside the window occasionally making it light up.

But in her deep sleep, she was as comfortable as can be despite the loud thunder and bright strikes of lightning.

You let out a sigh as you realized she was still sound asleep.

You hugged the blankets to your chest a little tighter and continued to sit up in bed, unable to sleep and unable to relax as the storm goes on.

Every clap of thunder scared you.

You've always had a huge fear of it, one that you can't quite explain.

It might be silly to some as people find comfort in storms and remain unbothered by the thunder but for you, it's always a hard time when they hit.

The thunder makes you want to hide away and as one hit so hard that it shook the house slightly, you jumped with a loud gasp and hid beneath the blankets.

You squeezed your eyes shut and tried to find comfort under the covers.

But they lifted only a few seconds after you pulled them over your head.

You saw Ryujin sitting up beside you, rubbing her tired eyes as she stared at you.

"What are you doing under there, baby?"

You were about to explain when the thunder hit again, making you whimper and reach for the blankets once more.

"Okay, shh," she soothed as she realized what was happening.

Instead of letting you curl up under the blankets, she had you curl up in her arms.

She pulled you as close as she could and began to comfort you through the thunder.

"I get it now, my love. I'm sorry." She said and kissed your head lovingly. "Why didn't you wake me?"

"I didn't want to bother you."

She sighed and began to brush her fingertips across your arms soothingly.

"You're not a bother, sweet girl. You never are and you never will be. You know you can always wake me, especially when it's thundering. I know scared you get by it. I hate that you spent all this time since it began alone, without me comforting and holding you."

"I'm okay now, Ryujin. You're making me feel safe now. That's all that I need."

She buried her lips in your hair, kissing the crown of your head a few times.

Her lips lingered there for a moment after the last kiss and as the thunder clapped loudly once more, you closed your eyes and basked in the warmth and comfort she was giving you.

"It'll be over soon." She comforted. "Do you think you can try and get some sleep?"

You shook your head and she nodded before letting you go.

"Lay down."

"Ryujin, I told you already. I can't sleep."

She smiled a little before gently pulling you back into her arms, making sure you were laying down again.

"I know, my love. That's not why I want you to lay down." She said and reached for the remote.

The room lit up as the tv turned on and she quickly flipped through the channels until she found your favorite show.

"There, sweet girl. This should help."

Your heart fluttered over how thoughtful and caring your girl is and you kissed her cheek before laying your head on her chest.

"If you're tired you can go back to sleep, babe. I won't be upset."

"No. I'm not tired." She said and looked at the clock. "It's only a little after two. If I don't get any more sleep, that's okay. All I care about right now is being with you and making sure you're okay." She said.

You closed your eyes and let out a contented sigh, feeling safe and sound in her arms with your favorite show on, even as the storm and the loud claps of thunder continued.

Ryujin Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now