you're sick

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Ryujin was all smiles when she walked inside the door. She was quick to kick off her shoes and call out your name because while she was happy to be home now, her day hadn't been all that great and she wanted nothing more than to be wrapped in your arms.

But the house was oddly quiet and still. She thought by now she'd hear your voice or your feet rushing down the stairs. But it was all so quiet and Ryujin felt a little worried at that since it was still early afternoon.

"Y/n? Where are you, babe?" She yelled out as she took the stairs as quickly as she could. "Y/n!" She walked down the hall, wondering if she'd find you sound asleep in bed or too into a movie to notice anything else around you.

But when she reached your bedroom she didn't find you in bed like she thought she would. Instead, she noticed the bathroom door was open and the light was on and, at first, she thought you were just in the shower.

But she froze on her feet when she heard what sounded like you getting sick. Her heart started to pound and she rushed into the bathroom to find a worrying sight. With you holding your hair back as you emptied your stomach.

She knelt behind you and gently took your hair into her hand. She heard you cough, followed by a long groan of agony from your lips.

"Are you okay? How long have you been feeling so sick for?" She whispered and used her free hand to slip under your shirt and rub your clammy skin soothingly.

"Only a little while. I woke up with a small stomach ache but nothing bad. I started to feel sick, really sick, about twenty minutes ago."

"You should've called me and told me." She said but to ensure you that she wasn't upset or anything, she left a few kisses on the skin of your neck. It was only when you started to get sick once again that she pulled back and focused on rubbing your back and whispering words of comfort in your ear.

When you stopped again a moment or two later, she carefully let your hair go so she could grab something to cool your feverish skin down. She grabbed a cloth from the shelf and wet it under some cool water before laying it on your neck. You let out a breath of relief, a soft hum following as she moved it around your skin.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Is your stomach feeling any better? Is it sore? Do you still feel sick?"

"A little sore still but I think I'm okay enough to go to bed now. I don't feel very sick anymore."

She let out a breath of relief as the words left your lips. She buried her lips in your hair and peppered kisses to your head.

"Feel like you can brush your teeth?"

"Yeah." You mumbled and stood on your feet. You made it to the sink with her help and leaned against her as you brushed your teeth and tongue. You paid a little extra attention to your tongue, hoping to get the gross taste from your mouth.

You rinsed your mouth out and dropped your forehead against the sink.

"C'mon, baby. Let's go to bed."

You whined but made your way back to bed with her help. You laid down carefully and she tucked you in under the covers before putting her hand against your forehead.

"You've got a small fever. Not too bad, but you definitely have one." She mumbled as she moved her hand from your forehead and to your cheek, where she caressed your skin lovingly. "Do you feel sick still?"

"No. I'm okay."

"Do you want some soup? Do you think you have enough blankets? Too many or not enough?"

"Ryujin," you chuckled and put your hand on her side. "I'm okay. I feel warm enough just like this. The only thing that I need is for you to lay down with me."

"You've got it, baby." She said and climbed in beside you. She didn't put her arm around you in fear that it would only cause you discomfort, so she let you lay your head on her chest and drew circles on your soft skin instead.

"Did you have a good day?"

"It was okay." She replied, kissing your head lingeringly. "Don't think about anything, baby. Just go to sleep for a little while."

"I love you, Ryujin. Thanks for taking care of me."

"I love you more." She said and watched you fall asleep, hoping you'd feel much better soon.

Ryujin Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now