come pick me up (requested)

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Author's Note: This chapter contains sensitive content. It involves the mention, but not much detail, of abuse. It's a very sensitive and serious topic and I don't want anyone reading it that feels uncomfortable doing so.

Please skip this update if you're uncomfortable in any way with the topic of this chapter. I'm going to be updating again very soon so please don't feel obligated to read this update. There are many more to come very soon.

Remember, if you ever need anything, my messages are always open. I love you all, each and every single one of you, and if you do feel comfortable reading this, I hope you like it 💕💕


"It's Y/N," Ryujin happily told the girls as she saw your name appear on her phone.

Yuna reached for the remote to hit pause on the movie that they were all gathering around to watch in the dorm together on their day off.

"Hey, sweet girl!" Ryujin greeted. "What are you up to?"

In response, she only received silence.

Wondering if the call had dropped for some reason, she pulled the phone away from her ear to check.

But it showed that you were still on the phone with her.

"Baby? Is everything alright? Are you still there?"

A shaky breath came from your lips in return followed by a sniffle.

"No. Nothing is alright." You cried.

"Y/N, baby, what's the matter?" Ryujin asked as she leaned forward, feeling a little anxious.

"I don't want to talk about it over the phone. Can you..." You paused as you sobbed. "Can you come pick me up? Please?"

"Of course, baby. At your parents' house?"

"No. I'm at the end of the street."

This made Ryujin feel even more anxious.

So she promised she'd be there in just a few minutes before getting up.

After explaining the situation to the girls, she grabbed her keys and ran out the door with her phone in her hand before getting into her car and driving off to you.

It didn't take her long to get to the end of the street your parents' lived on and after pulling up to the curb, she got out of the car and hurried over to you.

You kept your head down until she sat down right in front of you.

"It's chilly out here, baby. What are you doing out here?"

She looked beside you to find you had a couple of bags packed.

"Why do you have bags packed? What's going on?"

She watched you slowly lift your head and when she saw your face, her heart dropped.

She saw the bruise on your cheek and your left eye was black and blue.

"What happened?" She asked as she looked across your body, finding more bruises as her eyes traveled.

"I had to leave. I couldn't stay there any longer."

She frowned and took off her hoodie as you started to shiver, quickly pulling it over you.

"Darling, I need you to explain to me how you got these bruises. It's very important that you do that."

"My parents."

She closed her eyes and lowered her head as the words left your lips.

It was a confession that shattered her heart.

"It's a long story." You sniffled. "But there's a lot of financial problems between my parents. They get so stressed sometimes and they take it out on me. Tonight was the worst and I'm not going back there."

Ryujin scoffed as she looked at you.

"Baby, you'd be crazy if you think I'd let you go back there." She said. "You're never going back there. I'll find a way to get your stuff and we'll figure things out as we go. But for now, we're going to the dorm. You're staying with the girls and me for a while."

"Okay." You agreed.

Ryujin pulled you into her arms to give you a warm and comforting hug.

It was something you both needed at that moment, especially you.

It was crushing to know your secret.

To know that you were being hurt and that you weren't safe in the home with the two people that are supposed to love you and be here for you unconditionally.

"Come on. Let's get to the dorm so you can relax."

You got up and got into the car as Ryujin put your bags into the car and then got into the car before driving back to the dorm.

It was an emotional ride.

You opened up a little more to Ryujin about all of the things you've been through because of your parents.

Pain, heartache, sadness; intense and immense sadness.

When you got to the dorm, she got you up to her room and let you sit on the bed while she made you a warm drink.

"Y/N's staying with us for a while. I'll explain why later." Ryujin told the girls.

But they saw the bruises on your face when you walked in.

No argument was going to take place.

You were staying there with Ryujin and the girls for as long as you wanted and that was all there was to it.

When Ryujin returned to the room, she walked to you and put the warm drink in your hand before she sat beside you on her bed.

"I'm so sorry for not telling you sooner."

"No, baby, don't you ever apologize for that." She said as your eyes met. "It's okay that it was hard for you to open up about."

You took a few sips of the drink before putting it on the nightstand.

"I know this is probably a stupid question to ask you but are you okay?" She asked as she pulled you into her arms.

You put your down and shook it as tears filled your eyes.

"They were so stressed. They were under so much pressure." You quietly said.

"That doesn't matter. It's no excuse to hurt you." She reminded you. "They can be as angry and stressed as ever and it wouldn't change the fact that laying their hands on you is unacceptable."

You nodded as she brushed her thumb below your eye which wasn't black and blue.

"There is no excuse and there will never be an excuse."

"I know." You said as you put your head on her shoulder. "What do we do now?"

"I don't know. We'll figure it out together though. We'll get your things and you'll stay here. I've got the solo room, so it can be just us in here. You can relax and feel safe. Because I'm here. You're going to be safe with me."

Your eyes filled with tears once again.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I won't let anyone hurt you. Never again. I promise you."

"What if my parents show up here?"

"I'll kick their asses or call the police. Or both, maybe."

You chuckled and closed your eyes as she kissed your forehead.

"You're safe now. No one is going to hurt you again. I won't let them." She promised as she pulled you into her arms, helping you relax for the first time in a long time.

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