she gets sulky because you're whipped for Yeji and her red hair (requested)

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Ryujin's lips lovingly brushed against your head as you stayed curled up against her chest as the movie played on the TV.

You're sitting in the dorm, just enjoying some downtime with your girlfriend as she holds you so close in her warm embrace.

The front door opened a moment later and you watched as Yeji and Chaeryeong walked inside.

You almost didn't look their way because you were so busy watching the film but you're happy that you did because you were mesmerized by Yeji's hair change.

Her hair was a beautiful shade of red and you couldn't deny that she pulled the look off very well.

Anyone who said otherwise was lying to themselves, simple as that.

"Wow..." You said as you pulled away from Ryujin. "Yeji, when did you change your hair?"

"Oh, just a couple of days ago. Do you like it?" She asked with that adorable smile of hers.

"I love it! It looks so good on you."

"Thank you!" She grinned as she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. "I decided it was time for a change. We're going to start preparing for the comeback pretty soon. I'm not sure how long it will last but I'm happy with it. Everyone keeps complimenting on it."

"You deserve to be complimented. It's very pretty." You said.

"Thanks, Y/N! You're just so sweet!" She cheerfully spoke before she headed upstairs to her dorm room.

You went to put your head back on Ryujin's chest but when you tried, she moved away from you.

You stared at her to find her jaw was clenched and she wouldn't look at you.

"Ryujin? Baby, what's the matter?"

"I'm still your baby? I thought it might be Yeji now."

"What are you talking about?" You chuckled and furrowed your eyebrows.

"What am I talking about? You lit up when you saw her, Y/N. You're whipped for her."

"I am not whipped for Yeji." You argued.

"Yes, you are. At least for her red hair." She mumbled. "Maybe I should dye my hair red. Then you'd be whipped for me, your girlfriend."

"Oh, come on, baby. Look, yes, I was taken aback by her hair for sure. You're going to sit there and deny that she doesn't look good?"

"Well... no. But still. I look good too." She pouted as her jealousy faded away and she started to sulk instead. "I'm your girlfriend. You should be whipped for me."

"I am, darling. Very much so." You said as you cuddled up to her again. "I am always whipped for you. Because you're my gorgeous, breathtaking, stunning girlfriend."

You started to kiss across her face and even though she tried not to smile, she couldn't help it and eventually, it appeared on her face.

"Keep talking." She said.

"You're beyond stunning. You're..." You paused as you tried to think of another word for it. "Pulcrhritudinious!"

She shook her head with a smile.

"You're resplendent. You're marvelous, darling." You said as you gave her more kisses on her face. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. Inside and out, you're absolutely perfect to me. If you think I'm not whipped for you, you are so wrong. Because I so am."

She held you tight and smirked at you.

"Yeah? Even more than you are for Yeji and her red hair?"

"Even more than that." You promised before kissing her lips. "Because you're my girl and I take a lot of pride in that. I'm very lucky and I never forget that. And I love you. Don't ever think otherwiset."

"Okay." She said as she put her head on yours. "And, just so you know, I love you more, baby girl."

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