you have an affair with each other (requested)

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"I was wondering if you were going to show up or not," Ryujin said as you entered the hotel room she had reserved just for the two of you for tonight.

She closed the door behind you and watched you sit on the bed.

"I have wine. Want some?"

"Yes, please." You said and watched her pour you a glass.

She took a seat beside you as you swallowed the drink down quickly, going over everything in your head.

"I'm so happy you made it tonight." She smiled before she began to kiss your neck.

"Me too." You said as you sighed blissfully, melting over the brush of her lips on your skin.

This is wrong and you know it.

You're married and so is Ryujin and this is cheating.

But for something so terribly wrong, it sure feels so right.

"Are you getting caught up in your head again?" She asked as she noticed that you had spaced out.

"A little."

She sighed as she pulled away.

Grabbing your glass, she put it aside before taking your hands.

"I know it's wrong." You said. "I keep thinking about my wife and what she would think or do if she ever found out about this. I know we shouldn't do this but..."


You looked into her eyes, falling harder as she gazed at you adoringly.

"It just feels so right. You feel right, Ryujin. And I hate myself for doing this but I just can't resist you."

She smiled and put her lips on yours, giving you a sweet kiss.

"Then stop overthinking and focus on me. Let's have a good night, baby."

You tilted your head back as she started to kiss your neck again.

"Ryujin," You moaned, melting with every brush of her lips on your skin.

She smirked as she pushed you down on the bed and hovered over you.

"This has to come off." She said as she tugged at your shirt. "It just has to, sexy."

"Then take it off." You smiled and watched her do the same back at you before she pulled your top off and tossed it across the room.

She put her lips on yours again to give you one of the most passionate kisses you've ever had.

She only pulled away when you took off her shirt and right after, as soon as it was thrown across the room with yours, she put her lips right back on yours.

She intertwined your fingers together as you made out, losing yourself in her and her sweet kisses.

You know it's not right.

You know you shouldn't be doing this.

But no one makes you feel the way that Ryujin does.

No one loves you the way she does and no one makes your heart soar the way she can make yours soar.

She makes you feel amazing, in more ways than one, and as wrong as this affair may be, it sure doesn't feel like it.

It feels perfect.

It makes you happy, much happier than your wife does.

And perhaps that should make you feel worse, but it doesn't.

You lost yourself in Ryujin once again as she made you feel wonderful, making you feel as though your head was in the clouds again and again.


A little while later, you were curled up under the blankets together.

Holding her hand, you played with her fingers as she kissed your head and continued to make your heart race.

"Do you ever think about calling this off?" She asked.

"I don't know." You sighed. "Sometimes the thought pops into my brain. But I just can't bring myself to do it. You just mean too much to me. I'm in way too deep to even try and call this off."

"Me too." She said as you put your head on her chest. "Sometimes, I wonder if, maybe, we married the wrong people. If we're in the wrong relationships."

"I know. The thought crosses my mind too." You confessed. "But I think what we have right now is special. I don't want to ruin it by ruining our current relationships, only for things not to work between us and for us to just burn out."

"I know." She said.

Suddenly, your phone started to ring, and you sighed as you reached for it.

"It's my wife."

Ryujin let you go, so you could answer the phone.


"Where are you?" Your wife asked. "What's going on with you? Why are you always disappearing? Are you with someone else?"

You looked at Ryujin, watching as she shook her head.

"No. I'm just out with a friend."

"Come back home. Now." She said before ending the call.

"I guess I should go." You told Ryujin a moment later.

"Yeah." She said sadly, brushing her fingers through her hair. "Can we do this again tomorrow night? I'll book the room again."

And because you couldn't resist her or the offer, you nodded your head.

"See you tomorrow." You said, kissing her lips.

"Bye, Y/N." She said as she watched you get changed and walk out the door.

She knew she should get home to her wife too but part of her wished that you'd just come back through the door and decide to stay with her instead.

Because, truthfully, as wrong as it may be, she loves you more than she'll ever love her wife.

And she knows that's not right but she knows, deep down, you feel the same about her.

Perhaps, one day, you'd admit it to each other and break off your current relationships for each other.

Or, perhaps, she was in over her head and that was a ridiculous thought to have.

But, either way, it crossed her brain more than once.

She just wondered to herself if you would love her as much as she loves you.

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