you go missing - part two (requested)

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"Ryujin, come on, you at least have to eat," Yeji spoke.

"You didn't get any sleep last night. At least get a little something on your stomach." Chaeryeong pleaded.

Yeji had placed a bowl of cereal on the kitchen counter, all for girls begging her to eat a little of it.

Ryujin has no appetite and no desire to go about life as normal because there's still no sign of you.

But she knew her friends were worried so she sighed and took a few bites.

"She'll be back soon, I'm sure of it," Yuna said.

"I'm losing hope. It's been a day since I saw her last, since I gave her a kiss goodbye. If it goes on longer, I don't know what I'll do." Ryujin spoke.

Lia parted her lips to speak when, suddenly, the front door of your' and Ryujin's home opened.

All five of them looked and they froze in shock when they saw you standing there.

Ryujin rubbed her eyes, wondering if what she was seeing was real.

You were still there when she looked at you again and with a shaky smile, she jumped up from her seat and ran over to you.

"You're here! You're finally here!" She said as tears filled her eyes.

She hugged you tighter than ever, terrified that if she didn't, you might just disappear.

"I'm sorry." You said as you held her just as tight.

"Where have you been? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Lia asked as she and the girls rushed to you and Ryujin.

"No, I'm not hurt. I wasn't kidnapped or anything. I just... left."

The girls all stared at you in surprise and sadness as they realized that you disappeared voluntarily.

"I know I should've told you," You paused as you looked at Ryujin. "It's hard to explain."

You sat down on the sofa and Ryujin sat down beside you as the girls sat down across the room, all eyes on you.

"I left and went to a hotel in the next city. I was overwhelmed. I just wanted to disappear for a day from everything."

Ryujin lowered her head and you quickly squeezed her knee comfortingly.

"It's not you, baby. It's not any of you." You assured as you gazed at the girls. "It's just... life. It's been hard lately. My mental health is not the greatest and work has been hard. I just wanted some space."

"Did you see you were reported missing or did you come home just because?" Ryujin asked.

"Both. I decided this morning that I needed to come back. But then, when I left the hotel, someone recognized me and told me that I was reported as missing. So I came straight here."

"We were scared... all of us. We thought someone might've abducted you or you might've been hurt." Chaeryeong mumbled.

"We were all trying to stay positive for Ryujin but those thoughts crossed our minds for certain," Yeji spoke.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry anyone. I just needed to get away and let everything go, just for one day. But I went about it wrong and I'm truly sorry."

"You're home now. That's all I care about." Ryujin said. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, baby."

"If you need to talk, if things are bothering you that much, talk to me." She pleaded.

"Or any of us. We're all here for you." Yuna said.

"I will, I promise. I'll never do this again." You said and they all breathed out a sigh of relief.

"We were all up all night so I'm going back to the dorm to get some rest," Lia said.

"Yeah, we'll give you two some privacy." Yeji smiled.

"It's good to have you back," Chaeryeong said. "But don't ever scare us like that again."

"Never again, I swear."

Yuna gave you a quick hug before they all left, giving you and Ryujin some privacy.

You turned to look at your girlfriend with sad, guilty eyes.

"Ryujin, I'm so sorry."

She didn't say a word.

She just leaned in and gave you a loving kiss and you smiled against her lips, feeling okay again.

"I'm just happy that you're home." She said as she pulled away.

"I'll talk to you more about everything later but for now... can we go up to bed and cuddle?"

"Absolutely." She smiled before you both got up and headed upstairs, happy to have you home again, safe and sound.

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