she confesses to you while she's drunk - part two (requested)

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"Morning," Ryujin mumbled as she entered the kitchen.

"Hey." You replied. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"Terrible." She groaned. "I'm hungover. I have a pounding headache and I've been throwing up. I feel just awful."

"So I guess it's not a good time to bring up last night, huh?" You asked with a sense of nervousness inside of you.

"Oh, no. What did I do?" She asked dreadfully. "Did I do something stupid? Please tell me that I didn't?"

"No, nothing like that." You said as you set a glass of water down in front of her, as well as some pills to relieve her headache.

"Thank you." She said before she swallowed the pills down with a few sips of water.

"Actually, it's something you said to me. Usually, I wouldn't bring it up right now considering how hungover you are but it lingered with me last night and I couldn't sleep."

"Oh." She said as she furrowed her eyebrows. "What did I say?"

"You don't remember?"

"I was so out of it, Y/N, I don't remember much of anything." She sighed as she tucked a strand of her short hair behind her ear. "But if it's bothering you that much, then tell me what it is so I can fix it."

You felt so nervous bringing it up again, especially since she didn't even remember saying it.

You feared that it wasn't true and it was just some sort of drunk rambling by her that she didn't mean.

That was a hard thought for you to consider because you're crazy about her and you knew this was just going to be finding out how she truly felt for you, which is a little nerve-wracking.

"You said that you're in love with me."

Ryujin froze as the words left your lips.

"I did?"

"Yeah. You said that you don't like being my best friend when you're so in love with me. I told you that you're drunk and you shouldn't say things you  don't mean but you insisted on the fact that you did mean it and you weren't that drunk."

She bit the inside of her cheek.

"I understand if you were just talking because you were drunk and you didn't mean it. I just wanted to ask you about it." You said with a nervous smile.

"Why do you look so nervous?" She asked as she touched your hand.

"No reason."

"If I said that it was true, would that ruin things between us?" She questioned. "Or are you nervous because you're hoping that it's true? Because you feel the same, don't you?"

"Ryujin, if you didn't mean it-"

"God, Y/N," She sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. "How could I not? I meant it. Wholeheartedly. I always have, ever since I first met you. You had me wrapped around your finger from day one. I've been head over heels for you ever since."

A smile pulled at your lips as your heart started to race.

"I'm in love with you, Y/N." She repeated.

And this time, you had no worries in the world.

She wasn't drunk any longer and judging by the look in her eyes, you knew she meant it with every piece of her heart.

"Please tell me that you feel the same." She whispered as she walked over to you. "Because I don't know what I'd do if you don't. That would be my biggest heartbreak."

You took her hand into yours and brushed your fingers across her palm.

"I do."

"No." She said. "Please tell me that you're in love with me too."

"I'm in love with you."

She sighed in relief before she threw her arms around you to give you the biggest and warmest hug that you've ever had.

"So this means that we're a couple now, right? You're my girl now? Officially?"

"I better be." You replied. "After that, you better ask me to be your girl."

She giggled before pulling you into her arms for another hug.

"Good. You're mine then."

"All yours, Ryujin," You whispered in her ear, making her heart flutter.

And Ryujin couldn't help but grin from ear to ear as she felt like the luckiest girl in the world now that you're officially and only hers; all hers.

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