she confesses to you while she's drunk (requested)

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"Y/N, I'm starting to feel sick," Ryujin mumbled as you walked through the door with her. "My head is pounding and I feel nauseous."

"Don't worry, Ryujin. I'm going to let you crash at my place tonight, just as you wanted. It's alright, babe." You said as you closed the door.

You turned the lock and guided her over to your sofa, where she collapsed with a groan as her stomach continued to turn a little.

You took your phone out of your purse and sent Yeji a text.

Seeing that she has tomorrow off, her first day off in quite a while, she wanted to hang out with you and a couple of your mutual friends at a club for a few hours tonight.

You were supposed to drop her off at the dorms tonight but she wanted to stay with you at your place.

Of course, you happily agreed.

But you knew you had to inform Yeji since the girls would worry otherwise.

After letting her know that Ryujin wanted to be at your place for the night and she'd return to the dorm tomorrow or the next day, you put your phone away and focused your attention on Ryujin.

"Can I get you anything?" You asked as you sat down beside her. "I know you're feeling unwell, so can I help at all? Do you need some water?"

"Yeah, I'd appreciate that."

You got up and went into the kitchen where you filled a glass with water and then returned to your best friend's side.

You helped her sit up and you held the glass for her as she took a few sips.

"I'm going to have the worst hangover I've ever had tomorrow." She groaned.

"Yeah, well, you had a lot to drink. You had shots, pina Coladas, mojitos, and a little wine. So it's understandable."

She rubbed her eyes before looking at you with a drunken but sweet gaze.

"I'm going to get ready for bed soon. I'll be right back, okay?"

She pouted a little as you walked out of the room and went down the hall to your bedroom.

You changed out of your outfit and into a pair of your cozy pajamas before grabbing something from the closet for her.

It wasn't anything random.

It was something special.

"Here. I thought you'd be more comfortable in this." You said as you returned to her side. "Does it look familiar?"

"It's my hoodie," She drunkenly grinned.

"Yeah." You said. "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable by sleeping in your dress all night. So let's get you out of that and into this."

You helped her take off her dress and the whole time, you could see the smirk on her face.

You pulled her hoodie over her head and watched as she lay down after.

"How's that? Better?"

She didn't reply to your question the way you thought she would.

Instead, she began to flirt with you.

"You're so pretty."

"I'm in my pajamas." You giggled.

"You're still pretty. You're always pretty, Y/N. Your outfit earlier - whew," she paused. "I wanted to take it off of you."

You grew a little flustered by her words.

Who wouldn't?

But you figured she was just talking nonsense and being a sweet yet silly drunk.

"Be right back."

You left the room once more to grab a couple of blankets for her to curl up with so she'll stay warm throughout the night.

"I don't want you to get cold." You said as you tucked her in.

"You're so sweet." She softly spoke. "Why are you always so sweet to me?"

"Because you're my best friend." You said as you sent her a tired smile.

"Ugh," she groaned, throwing her head back. "Best friend?"

"Yeah? Why do you seem to hate that so much?" You asked as you finished covering her up and tucking her in with both blankets.

"I like when people call me their best friend but not you."

Well... that stung a little.

"I don't like being your best friend when I'm so in love with you."

"Ryujin," You sighed. "You're drunk, don't say things you don't mean."

"I'm not that drunk, Y/N."

That was a lie considering that goofy drunken look was on her face again.

But it was cute, so it was alright with you.

"I'm being serious. You're so hot, you make me weak. You take my breath away all the time. You're so sweet. You always look out for me and care for me. I'm so in love with you, I don't even know how to put it into words..."

She paused, a heavy sigh falling from her lips.

"But I don't think I stand a chance with you."

Oh, wow, was she ever wrong about that.

"Don't tell Y/N that I told you that."

You couldn't help but giggle at that.

Yeah, she was drunk.

But she's always been a sweet drunk and you know that drunk minds speak true words.

So... maybe she meant what she was confessing to you.

"Ryujin, do you really mean that? Because I've been hoping you'd say something like that for a while now. Because I feel the same."

As you finished speaking, you were met with loud and drunken snores coming from Ryujin's lips.

Looks like you would have to wait to get the answer to your question.

You just hoped she meant it.

Because you felt the same way about her.

But that would all have to wait until morning.

You just smiled as you watched her sleep for a moment before getting up.

You were about to just turn around and walk down the hall to your room, but you changed your mind.

First, you leaned over and kissed Ryujin's forehead softly, whispering the words back to her.

"I'm so in love with you too."

You turned around and walked to your room, knowing that tomorrow would be a bigger day than you first thought it would be.

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