you catch her cheating (requested)

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You quietly closed the front door behind you as you stepped inside.

It's been an exhausting day and you want nothing more than to go upstairs and curl up under the covers and in the warmth of your girlfriend's arms.

You set your things on the floor and then called out for Ryujin, although you didn't get a response from her.

You knew she has to be home. Her car is parked in the driveway. You saw it when you pulled in.

You called out for her once more as you started to climb the stairs and walked down the hall to your shared room.

But something made you freeze momentarily.

You didn't just hear the sound of your girlfriend's sweet voice but another one that belonged to a girl that you don't recognize.

You stepped closer, now standing right outside of the bedroom. The door was only open a crack and you put your ear against it to listen to what was being said.

"You should probably get going in a minute or two. My girlfriend is going to be home soon."

You frowned over the words that left your girlfriend's lips.

"So soon?" The girl asked. "Can't I stay just a few more minutes?"

You peeked inside and saw Ryujin's lips moving against the stranger's, soft sighs falling from both of their lips as they made out passionately... in the bed you and Ryujin sleep and cuddle in together every night.

"How could I say no to that?" Ryujin asked with a bright smile on her face.

Tears began to fill your eyes as what was happening sank in.

You didn't know what to do or what to say. You were in shock, feeling the deepest ache in your heart.

This is the most betrayal that you've ever felt before and you never imagined that it would be Ryujin that made you feel that way.

You debated between going into the room or just walking out the door right now.

But before you could decide, the floor creaked under your feet, and Ryujin pulled away from the girl's lips.

"Who was that?" The girl softly spoke to Ryujin, only for them both to go wide-eyed upon seeing you standing at the door when you pushed it open.

"Y/N..." Ryujin quietly said.

"What the hell is this, Ryujin?" You asked as you looked between her and the girl through the blur of your tears.

"It's not what you think! I can explain!"

"Not what I think?" You scoffed. "How can you say that? How can you think you can possibly get away with lying your way out of this situation when I watched you make out with some stranger in our bed who is still here!"

The girl looked as though she felt very awkward and unsure of what to do.

But you were just as furious with her as you were with Ryujin. You heard her ask to stay longer when Ryujin said you were going to be home soon. She knew Ryujin was taken and she didn't care.

"You better get out of here right now!" You yelled loudly and in pure anger as you pointed to the door, your eyes locked with the girl's wide ones. "Out!"

She stood up and grabbed her things before walking out, leaving you and Ryujin alone.

You stared at her in shock, feeling so many different emotions all at once that it was almost overwhelming.

"I can't believe this. How could you do this, Ryujin?"

"I'm sorry." She said as tears began to gather in her eyes. "I don't know what I was thinking. I'll make this right. I'll make it up to you!"

"Make it up to me?" You scoffed as you gazed at her in disbelief. "Ryujin, this is not like those times you forgot about a date. You cheated on me! How can you think there's a way to make this up to me?"

She shrugged her shoulders as a tear fell down her cheek.

You walked to the closet and grabbed a couple of your duffle bags. You started to take some of your clothes off the hangers and began to toss them into the bags, as well as your charger and your toothbrush and toothpaste.

"You're leaving?"

"You thought I'd stay?" You asked as you stared at her again. "Why would you ever think such a thing?"

"Because we love each other." She sniffled. "And I know what I did was wrong but I can explain everything and I'll do whatever it takes to make this better!"

"Don't!" You yelled. "Seriously, Ryujin! Just stop. Listen to yourself! You were in bed with another girl! You cheated on me! You want me to believe that you actually love me? How can you claim such a thing and then be with another girl? And how can you think you can make this better? Do you think there's a way to do that? Because there isn't! You can't explain anything to me. I don't want to hear it! It's only going to be lies."

You put your bags over your shoulders and started to walk out the bedroom door as she followed behind you.

"Baby? Where are you going to go?"

"I'm not telling you."


"No, Ryujin!" You yelled as you turned to stare back at her when you reached the last step. "You cheated on me! I can't trust you anymore and without trust, we've got nothing! That's how relationships work. If you didn't want me to leave, then you should've never done this!"

You opened the front door and walked out.

You unlocked your car and got inside. But the window was down, so you could still hear her as she ran to your car and pleaded for you to stay.

"I'm sorry!" She cried.

"Well, sorry isn't going to fix anything, is it? I'm done, Ryujin!"

You pulled out of the driveway and drove down the street while you tried to think of where to go as Ryujin fell apart, unsure of what to do without you now.

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