just kiss me already (requested)

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"I'm so happy you finally have a day off. I've missed you so much." You told Ryujin as you laid your head on her chest.

Your eyes closed and a contented hum fell from your lips as you listened to the steady beat of her heart.

"Me too." She whispered softly as she stared down at you with a look of love in her eyes; one you caught a glimpse of when you opened your eyes only a split second later. "I've missed my girl so much."

You went to put your head back on her chest, only for her to hold your chin up with two of her fingers. She stared down at you with a teasing smile starting to tug at her lips.

Slowly, she leaned in and you closed your eyes in anticipation.

You love her kisses. Everything about them is perfect.

From the taste of her lips to the way they move so perfectly against yours, to the way she kisses you; sometimes slow and sweet, other times so passionately and feverishly that you get lost in them and her and happily let her initiate a sweet little makeout.

She brushed her lips against yours, so close that her warm and minty breath fanned against your lips when she exhaled. You awaited that sweet kiss, but it never came.

She pulled away and you opened your eyes, gazing up at her in confusion.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, baby." She smiled and leaned in again and once more, you closed your eyes and waited for that special kiss.

But, yet again, you were filled with disappointment when she just simply brushed her lips against yours; never giving you that full kiss.

"Ryujin," you whined and she couldn't help but laugh. "Stop it."

"Oh, you're cute." She smiled and pinched your cheeks playfully before leaning in.

This time, she was much quicker. Her lips were on yours before you could even close your eyes.

But she tricked you, giving you just a simple and sweet brush yet again.

You huffed in frustration when you opened your eyes.

"What is it, baby girl?" She teased as she brushed her hand along your cheek.

"Just kiss me already, Ryujin!"

She had to admit; she was taken aback.

But, like you, she was tired of the teasing. You're getting annoyed and clearly craving her kisses and she was craving the taste of your lips.

So, she happily leaned in and gave you a real kiss; a passionate one.

You sighed against her lips, swearing each kiss she gives you just gets better and better.

"I love you."

"I love you too." She whispered softly against your lips, continuing to give you passionate kisses.

"No more teasing. I don't like it." You mumbled and probably would've given her that pout that she can't resist if she wasn't kissing you so feverishly.

"I won't, trust me. I love kissing you too much."

You smiled into the next kiss and pulled her closer until she was hovering above you on the sofa.

Her lips continued to move steamily against yours, leaving you breathless and wanting more of them; as always.

Ryujin Imagines (gxg)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant