appendicitis (requested)

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"You're burning up." Ryujin frowned as she placed her hand back on your forehead after you laid back down, wiping your lips after throwing up once more.

She looked at your hand, watching as you clutched your right side.

Your eyebrows are furrowed as groans and whimpers fall from your lips and, sometimes, she catches you sinking your teeth into your lip so hard she worries you might make it bleed.

It's obvious just how terrible you feel. You've been feeling quite rotten for the last few hours, but now it's as if every minute is worse than the last with the amount of pain you're in.

At first, it wasn't so bad.

You felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to just lay in bed and although Ryujin was worried, you tried to assure her that everything was okay, telling her that you're, at the most, possibly coming down with a little something and you'd just see how the day plays out.

She tried not to worry too much. But she loves you and cares very deeply about you and your well-being and she's so worried about you that she can't take her eyes off of you.

She too thought that you were just getting sick at first.

But now, she knows that something is very wrong.

This is so much more intense than any sickness you both originally thought you were possibly coming down with.

The fever, nausea, and pain were all too much to not be serious.

"Baby, I'm getting scared." She confessed as she listened to you groan in pain once again. "How bad is the pain?"

"It's bad." You groaned before you started to shiver, feeling the chills return again. "It's so bad, Ryujin. It's excruciating."

She bit her lip as a lump appeared in her throat.

She felt anxious to see you in so much pain and to see you sick.

You've been together for a while. You've seen each other through a lot, such as colds and cases of flu. But this was different, so terrible that she was afraid, and she didn't know what to do to help.

"Is it bad enough to go to the emergency room?"

You nodded and right away, she jumped out of bed to hurry up and get ready to rush you to the hospital.

She grabbed one of her hoodies and pulled on her shoes before putting her keys, phone, and wallet into her hoodie pocket and grabbing your important things, too.

She returned to your side and helped you sit up slowly.

"It's okay, my love." She comforted, brushing the tips of her fingers along your arm as you groaned in misery once again.

"Ryujin, it hurts." You whimpered, swallowing thickly. "I feel sick again."

"I know, baby. It's okay. You're going to be fine, you'll feel better soon. I'm going to get you to the hospital and we'll find out what's making you feel so terrible."

She finished tying your shoes while the wave of nausea passed as you took deep breaths and stayed as still as possible.

She brushed a lock of hair behind your ear and looked into your eyes.

Her heart shattered upon noticing how frightened and how awful you felt, and understandably so.

"I'm going to be by your side through anything and everything that happens tonight, I promise." She assured you before kissing your hot forehead. "Do you think you can walk? Or should I carry you?"

Ryujin Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now