don't leave me (requested)

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You tangled your fingers in your hair as tears fell down your face.

You felt overwhelmed as Ryujin continued to argue with you, her voice still loud as she tried to get her point across.

You know she's just as frustrated as you are, though she might not be showing it as much.

The argument all started over something so tiny, so unimportant, so stupid.

She came home after a bad day, unaware that yours wasn't very great either, and you just wanted to lay around in bed and forget about it.

She was hungry and not in the best of moods and asked why you hadn't cooked anything.

In her defense, you had said before heading off to work this morning that you planned to make a nice dinner for you both.

She was tired and her stomach was growling and she wasn't very happy that you hadn't cooked as you promised you would.

It led to an argument that seems to be changing from that topic and turning into you both just letting out your frustrations and annoyance over tiny, irrelevant things.

And now, you're overwhelmed and, quite frankly, just tired of it all.

It felt like the walls were closing in and you could barely breathe.

"Stop it, just stop!" You yelled. "I can't do this, I need some air!"

You quickly stomped out of the house and as soon as the door slammed shut, she let out a heavy sigh.

"Good going, Ryujin." She mumbled to herself.

She took a couple of minutes to calm down and take some breaths before she followed after you.

She opened the front door and hurried down the block.

But her heart dropped when she saw a crowd of people not far from her.

Suddenly, she had a really bad feeling.

Something was wrong and she immediately hurried over to the crowd to see what was happening.

"Oh., my god," She said in shock as she saw who was on the ground unconscious.


She saw that you had some blood on your head and some cuts across your body, some looking pretty bad.

"Let me through, let me through!" She yelled in a panic as she pushed through the crowd. "That's my girl! Let me through!"

Some people stepped aside and let her go towards you, others tried to pull her back.

"If that's your girlfriend, you should stay over on the curb. It's bad." Someone tried to tell her.

But Ryujin wasn't listening.

She quickly knelt on the ground next to you, near a couple of others who were trying to get you to wake up and assess your condition.

"Y/N, baby?" She sniffled as she grabbed your hand.

"Be careful, she's probably got some broken bones. She was hit by a car." One man explained to her. "I was out with my wife and someone ran the stop sign and hit her before driving off."

A hit and run... who would ever do such an awful thing, especially to you?

Ryujin felt horrible.

She felt so guilty and so heartbroken.

"Come on, my love. I need you to open your eyes." She cried as she stroked your cheek. "You have to wake up. Please, baby, please."

This felt like a dream; an awful, terrible dream.

She was going to wake up any second now, she had to.

But a few seconds went by and she was still in this unimaginable situation.

She knew that this was real; the hurt and guilt she felt were too strong and too real to be a nightmare.

She dropped her forehead onto your shoulder as she sobbed.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for that stupid fight we shared. I'm sorry I didn't stop you from walking out. I'm sorry I didn't stop the stupid fight and just pull you into my arms. I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I love you." She sobbed. "I need you to wake up. I need you to be okay! I need to tell you that I'm sorry and that I love you so much!"

Her tears fell against your skin and that's when she heard your soft breaths.

"Her pulse was barely there before but it's coming back, it's getting stronger." The man said.

"Good, help is about three minutes away!" Someone shouted.

"I know you're there, darling. I know you're hanging on for me. You're doing good, okay? Keep hanging on, I'm right here with you." She sniffled. "I love you so much, Y/N. Please be okay. Don't leave me, baby. Please."

She gripped your hand tight as she pressed a few kisses to it.

A couple of her tears fell against it just as she heard the ambulance coming.

"I love you, baby. Help is here. You're going to be okay." She said.

The paramedics jumped out just as they pulled up across the road.

"Please be okay." Ryujin pleaded one last time before she was forced to let your hand go and step back, though she fought and fought to stay by your side.

All she could do was hope that you'd be okay... you had to be.

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