your daughter has a bad dream and comes to sleep with you and Ryujin (requested)

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"Goodnight, baby," Ryujin said as she kissed your lips. "I love you lots. Have sweet dreams."

"Goodnight. Love you too." You said as you stole a few more pecks from her lips.

It's a little after midnight and you're both just now getting ready to go to sleep, despite having been curled up in bed together for the last three hours.

You just spent that time watching a couple of movies together and making out a little since you had some time alone thanks to both of you having the night off and Olivia sleeping soundly in her bed across the hall.

But now, the late hours are catching up to you and Ryujin, and you're both ready to go to sleep.

You were curled up in her arms with her legs tangled with yours as your head rested on her chest and her head rested on yours.

You were just about to slip into a peaceful slumber when you heard the sound of the bedroom door creaking open.

Ryujin heard it too, so she pulled away from you to roll over and turn on the light.

And when the room lit up, you saw Olivia standing in the doorway with her teddy bear clutched against her chest and tears on her cheeks.

"Honey? What happened?" You asked as you sat up in bed.

"I had a bad dream." She sniffled.

"A bad dream?" Ryujin frowned before patting the bed. "Come here, sweetheart."

She jumped onto the bed and scooted across it before sitting between you and Ryujin.

Her tiny arms were wrapped around you both as quiet, heartbreaking cries left her lips and tears slipped down her cheeks.

"Do you want to tell us about your dream?"

"I saw a clown. A big, scary clown! He was chasing me."

"Oh, honey," You mumbled sadly as you ran your fingers through her hair. "That sounds like a terrible dream."

She nodded as she looked at you and Ryujin.

"Do you want us to come and tuck you back into your bed? We can read some stories and sing some songs until you're ready to go back to sleep?"

Olivia just shook her head.

You and Ryujin shared a look; you both knew what she wanted.

"Do you want to sleep with me and mommy tonight?" Ryujin asked and Olivia quickly nodded her head.

"Okay. But no more tears." You said as you gently cupped her chin in your hand. "It was only a bad dream. Mom and I are here to keep you safe. No one is going to hurt you and especially not a scary clown."

She sniffled before nodding her head wordlessly.

After, she rubbed her tired eyes with her knuckles and let a yawn escape her lips.

"Someone's sleepy," Ryujin said as she pulled Olivia closer to her, making her lie down between you.

Olivia giggled as she put her head on Ryujin's shoulder and her tiny arm over you.

"My sweet girl." You whispered as you ran your fingers through her hair. "You're okay. You won't have any more bad dreams for a long time. Not when you've got me and mom here to protect you."

"Okay." She mumbled before closing her tired eyes.

You stopped running your fingers through her hair so Ryujin could give her a kiss on her forehead, as she wanted to do so badly.

"You're going to be just fine. Sweet dreams. Mommy and I are right here if you need us." She told Olivia as she kissed her forehead once more.

"We won't go anywhere." You promised.

Olivia just smiled a little as she drifted off to sleep with you both close to her, making her feel safe like she needed to feel.

"We'll cuddle more tomorrow," Ryujin promised you as your eyes met hers.

You've both got the day off tomorrow, so that meant lots of time to spend together and lots of time to cuddle.

You couldn't help but smile at the thought.

But as much as you love Ryujin's cuddles, you were grateful that your daughter was here to sleep between you because you knew she felt much more at ease and much safer than she would if she were forced to go back to sleep in her own bed.

And you know Ryujin feels the same.

After all, your worlds revolve around your precious daughter, whom you both love more than anything in this world.

You reached across Olivia to hold Ryujin's hand, which she brought to her lips for a kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too." You whispered back to her before she leaned over and kissed Olivia's cheek.

"And I love you, baby." She whispered softly before turning the light off.

"Sweet dreams, my baby." You said to Olivia, softly kissing her forehead. "I love you."

And with both of your girls there with you, you knew you'd sleep well, knowing they were both safe and sound.

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