happy valentine's day (requested)

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The first thing you did when you opened your eyes was reach for your phone.

Since it's Valentine's Day and Ryujin is away on tour with the girls, you planned on celebrating the day together through FaceTime and text.

You thought you'd wake up to a sweet message from your girl, but there were no notifications from Ryujin, and you felt a little disappointed upon realizing that.

You tried not to let it bother you, telling yourself that she's just busy and she'd be texting or calling you very soon.

You got out of bed to quickly brush your teeth before you decided to head downstairs to grab something for breakfast.

You took your phone with you and turned the volume up all the way, excitedly anticipating hearing from your girl soon.

You reached the last step and froze on your feet instantly.

Your heart began to pound as soon as you smelled it; the aroma of your favorite food in the air.

It's what Rujin always makes you for breakfast when she's home.

She knows how much you love this particular food and so, she always tries to make it for you so you start your day with a smile on your face.

You slowly walked to the kitchen and peeked inside and your heart nearly burst from your chest when you saw who was in the kitchen.

It was Ryujin.

She was humming quietly as she cooked you both breakfast, standing in her white sweatpants and one of her sweaters.


She turned around at the sound of your voice and when your eyes met, she grinned from ear to ear.

"Hi, baby girl."

"You're here? You're actually here?" You asked, almost unable to believe it.

She opened her arms for you and you ran into them, throwing yours around her neck.

"I'm here, baby. I'm home." She said as she brushed her hand across your back. "I've got you."

"When did you get here?" You asked as you pulled away a little, wanting to stare into those big beautiful brown eyes of hers.

"About an hour ago. You were still sound asleep when I got here so I decided to make us breakfast. I planned on bringing it to you."

You felt like crying, the happiness you felt from being back in her arms after so long almost bringing you to tears.

"I have something for you." She said and pulled away to walk across the room to the table before walking back to you with something behind her back. "Surprise, beautiful. Happy Valentine's Day!"

She pulled out a bouquet of your favorite flowers and the sparkle in her eyes as you took them from her hands made your heart melt even more.

"Oh, baby." You spoke softly before kissing her cheek. "I didn't get you anything. I didn't think you'd be here."

"I know. That's okay. I just couldn't resist getting you those flowers. I know how much you love them."

You put them on the counter before putting your arms around her neck once more. You leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on her lips, causing her to smile against yours.

"I love them lots... but I love you even more."

"Are you okay? Why do you look like you're about to cry, darling?" She giggled as she noticed the tears in your eyes before she put her forehead on yours.

"I'm just happy. So, so happy. I didn't think you'd be here. I thought we were planning on celebrating through FaceTime."

"Yeah, well, FaceTime isn't the same as actually being here on Valentine's Day with my girl. I managed to take today and tomorrow away to spend it with you!" She smiled before kissing you again. "I love you so much. Happy Valentine's Day, my love."

"The best Valentine's Day ever." You said and pecked her lips a few times before burying your face in her neck. "I love you so much more, Ryujin."

She held you a little tighter and closed her eyes, planning on making the most of every moment by your side today and tomorrow.

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