first kiss (requested)

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"How is it already close to eleven?" You asked as you looked at the time on your phone before you put it back in your pocket.

"The night went by fast," Ryujin said as she turned on her blinker, taking one more turn closer to your home.

You could sense the disappointment in her voice.

She's as sad as you are that the night has come to an end.

Tonight was your second date and, somehow, she managed to make it even more amazing than the first one that you shared.

You've known Ryujin for a few weeks now but tonight was your first date as a couple.

She asked you over dinner.

With that question weighing on her mind, Ryujin went all out to take you to one of the most romantic spots in the city to treat you to something so special, where you, of course, said yes to becoming her girlfriend.

This particular restaurant is a place you'd never been to and you were happy about that because you can't imagine going there for the first time with anyone but Ryujin.

The night went by fast.

You shared a delicious meal and you took your sweet time doing so.

After, you went for a walk through the park because the stars were out and the moon was hanging low in the sky and it all made for an unforgettably perfect night.

But now, she's taking you home, and since she'll be a bit busy for a couple more weeks, you're not sure when your next date will be.

She reached a stop sign and turned the volume up on the radio, making sure you heard the words of the soft love song playing over the speakers.

It made your heart flutter.

And the butterflies only increased when you looked at her and saw her staring at you with a soft, heartwarming smile before she hit the gas once more and continued to drive.

It wasn't long before she pulled up to your driveway and put the car in park before turning to you.

"So... did you enjoy tonight?" She asked as you both unbuckled your seatbelts.

"Yeah." You answered. "So much."

"Me too." She grinned. "Can I take you on another?"

"I'd be very disappointed if you didn't since you're my girlfriend now."

Her cheeks heated up, a blush covering them before she lowered her head with a giggle.

"I know you're busy with work so I'll understand if it'll be a little time."

"No." She said before she gently placed her hand on your cheek. "It'll just be a couple of days. I might have a busy schedule sometimes but you're my girlfriend and I want to treat you the way you deserve to be treated, which is like a princess."

Your smile grew and her heart skipped a beat at the sight.

"Besides, I'm too crazy about you to spend too much time away from you. I like you, Y/N. A lot."

"I like you a lot too, Ryujin." You said as she brushed her thumb across your cheek.

Your heart started to jump as she looked away from your eyes and to your lips before she slowly started to lean in.

"I can kiss you, right?" She asked as her breath fanned across your lips.

You wanted the kiss just as much as she did, but she wanted to be sure of that before your lips met.


She cracked a small smile before putting her lips on yours, giving you the most amazing kiss that you've ever had.

It felt perfect.

Her lips were so soft and so kissable and as her hands rested gently on your cheeks, you put yours on her shoulders and melted as sparks flew around you.

When she pulled away a few seconds later, she stayed close to you as she watched a smile tug at your lips.

"That was amazing." She said as she put her forehead on yours. "Best kiss I've ever had."

Just as she had earlier, you became flustered and the sight made her heart skip.

"You're beautiful." She whispered.

"So are you." You said before kissing her once more. "I should go inside. It's getting late."

She nodded and pecked your lips before staring into yours.

"I'll see you in a couple of days, I promise."

"I look forward to it." You said before you opened the door and went to get out of the car.

But, before you did, you turned back to her and leaned in to softly kiss her cheek.


"Bye, cutie." She said as you closed the door and went inside.

As you closed the door, you went to your window, and when you looked outside you saw her in her car, grinning from ear to ear as she felt the same rush of happiness you did.

This was the beginning of something incredible.

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