you get hurt on stage (requested)

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You could hear your fans in the arena singing along to your songs on the playlist you have set up to play each night before your show starts, as well as them chanting your name.

Your heart is pounding against your chest as you feel the adrenaline rushing through your veins.

You can't wait to go out there and perform for your fans, who you love just as much as they love you.

You made sure that your in-ears were secure as your stylist ensured that your outfit was on perfectly.

You're always so impatient and excited to go on stage and perform each night.

You swear that this last month spent on tour has been full of the greatest days of your life as you soak in every second of traveling the world and performing for your fans, even though you're far away from your family and friends.

However, tonight you've got someone special in the crowd.

Five special someone's actually.

Your girlfriend Ryujin and the girls, aka your four best friends.

They're sitting in the very front row, just as excited to see you perform as all of your fans are.

It's making you even more excited to go out there.

And, finally, after making sure that everything was perfect and you were ready to go, you got the cue that it was time to take your place.

As the intro began, you took a couple of sips of water and then took a deep breath before your mic was handed to you.

The screams in the arena got even louder and everyone, including the girls, all got on their feet and started to cheer at the top of their lungs for you.

You raised your mic to your lips and started to sing and everyone began to excitedly sing along with you, especially your biggest fans standing proudly in the front row.

The only bad thing about being a performer is, sadly, the show goes by so much faster.

It's two hours long yet it never feels that long.

When the two hours are gone and the show comes to an end each night, you always feel as though you just walked out on the stage and you're supposed to be singing the other songs from your setlist.

So it was no surprise that after an hour went by, it had only felt like you'd just started.

Especially considering the fact that this crowd tonight was more energetic than ever.

"Thank you so much for coming to see me tonight!" You spoke into the mic, grinning from ear to ear as your fans screamed loudly in response.

You looked at Ryujin, who pulled her phone out to snap a few pictures to proudly post later, just to brag about how amazing you are.

Lia has had her phone out for the last few minutes, taking photos and videos of you living out your dream.

Because, as one of your best friends, she, too, feels that pride that everyone close to you feels every time you get to perform passionately and shine brightly.

"Are you ready for the next song?"

Your fans cheered louder than before in response and it caused a laugh to fall from your lips and Ryujin swore that the photo she took at that second would be her new lock screen.

You started your next song, your backup dancers all getting behind you once more as you gave this song your all since it happened to be one of your favorites.

However, you ended up moving the wrong way and when you did, you were met with an awful pain in your ankle.

You fell to the ground and everyone in the crowd started to panic as they watched the scary sight.

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