baking in the middle of the night (requested)

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"Y/N," Ryujin sleepily mumbled, her eyes remaining closed as she kept her cheek on her pillow. "Baby, it's cold. Come closer."

She waited a few seconds before feeling around on the bed for you, only to find that your side of the bed felt cold.

Realizing that you weren't in bed with her and haven't been in quite some time, she opened her eyes and reached over to turn on the light.

"Babe? Where are you?" She called out, although her voice was quiet due to still being half asleep.

She got up and grabbed one of her hoodies before she dragged her feet as she exited the bedroom to look around for you.

She rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she reached the last step of the staircase.

The living room light was off but the one in the kitchen was on and she could smell something coming from inside there.

"What in the world is going on?" She mumbled to herself as she looked at the clock. "It's almost four in the morning."

She still felt sleepy but she dragged her feet again to go into the kitchen, where she finally found you.

"Why are you awake?"

You jumped in shock, dropping one of the eggs that you needed right onto the floor.

"Oh no," you groaned.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Ryujin apologized.

"No, it's okay." You assured after cleaning up your mess. "I can't sleep."

"So you're baking?" She asked as she looked from the oven and to the counter full of ingredients.

"Yeah! I'm baking cookies right now and next, I'm baking a cake."

"A cake? Wow, someone's got some sugar cravings." She joked as she walked to you.

"I know it might sound silly that I'm baking this stuff at four am. But I'm bored and can't sleep and I love baking, you know that."

"I do." She smiled as she hugged you from behind, kissing your shoulder softly.

"We had a bunch of stuff in the cupboards and they were going to go bad in a couple of months. Since I have the free time now, why not bake them? Besides, it'll be good to have some yummy snacks on our day off tomorrow."

"That's true. We'll spend it eating sweets in between our naps."

You laughed as she kissed your other shoulder softly.

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Oh, baby," you turned to look at her. "Don't feel forced to stay awake with me. Get some rest."

"I'm not tired now." She said. "I want to bake with you. Are the cookies almost done? Anything else I can do?"

"Actually, yes to both. Do you want to make some muffins?"

"Sure!" She smiled.

You gathered all the ingredients and put them onto the countertop, just as the oven began to go off.

"Can I get them?" Ryujin excitedly asked.

"Sure. Just put these on so you don't burn your hands." You said and handed her the oven mitts.

She put them on and you opened up the oven for her to pull out the tray of cookies.

She put them on the counter as you closed the oven and then finished the rest of the cake, placing that into the oven.

"Okay. That's done. How are those muffins coming along?"

She pulled you into another hug from behind and this time, she began to lay a few kisses on your neck.

"You're so sweet." She said. "You bake such good snacks. I'm so excited to share them with you."

"Thanks, my love."

You shared a quick kiss before you grabbed everything for the last thing you'd bake tonight, after the muffins.


You grabbed the frosting for them, as well as for the cake, and opened it just to make sure that everything looked great.

Ryujin put her finger in the frosting, swiping some across her tongue.

"Ryujin!" You giggled. "That's for the snacks!"

"There's plenty for that stuff. Come on, it's delicious. Taste it."

She put some on another finger and you took a quick taste, humming over how good it tasted.

"That's so good!"

"Yeah," she smiled before brushing some frosting across your cheek.

"Ryujin!" You gasped before putting some on her nose, making her throw her head back with a laugh.

"I love you so much," she laughed as she kissed your lips softly.

"I love you too, baby," you grinned.

You hoped for many more nights like these with your girl.

Ryujin Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now