lean on me (requested)

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"Ryujin?" You called out as you walked through the door. "Are you home?"

When you received only silence in response, you realized she wasn't home. You figured she must still be in the studio and hoped she'd be home soon because your day was absolutely terrible and you could use one of her big comforting hugs.

You walked upstairs to your shared room and fell onto the bed. You closed your heavy eyes, thinking that since Ryujin was still working you'd just take a little nap and hopefully feel more energized when she would finally get home.

But the sound of your phone ringing startled you and made your eyes fly right open. You quickly reached for your phone and felt a rush of happiness come over you when you saw that it was your mom calling.

You're very close with your parents and you always look forward to talking to them. You can't get home very often, because life keeps you so busy.

But you make time to talk to them every day and it always makes you so happy when you hear their voices.

"Mom! Hey, what's up?" You asked with a hint of excitement in your voice.

You expected to hear the same from her and your dad, so it instantly worried you when you heard your mom sniffling.

"Mom? What is it?"

"Y/N, something happened." She cried and you felt your heart pounding against your chest. "I hate calling you with such terrible news but you need to know."

"Know what? You're scaring me, mom."

"Honey... your dad got into an accident on his way home and he was rushed to the hospital but... he didn't make it."

Your heart dropped. You instantly felt tears in your eyes. This couldn't be real. It had to be a dream. Your dad is like your best friend. He couldn't be gone.

"No, he can't be." You started to cry.

"I'm so sorry." Your mother mumbled through her tears. "Honey, I'll call you back in a little while. I have to make a few more calls. If you need something before I call you back, call me right away."

The phone slid right out of your hands and onto the bed. You were in shock.

But you quickly came back around as Ryujin came to your mind. You need her now more than ever and as much as you hate calling and interrupting her on busy days like these, you have no choice. You need her.

You grabbed your phone and pressed it to your ear as it started to ring. You waited impatiently to hear her voice and when she answered, you couldn't help but sob.

"Y/N? Hey, baby!" She answered, obviously excited to hear from you.

But then, she heard you crying, and the happiness she once felt quickly faded.

"Baby? What's wrong? What happened?"

"Ryujin, I need you to come home." You sniffled. "My mom called and... my dad passed away."

Ryujin was just as shocked as you. It was so sudden and so unexpected. Your dad called before you both headed to work this morning, wishing you both a great day. She's close with your father, too. She felt just as crushed as you.

"Okay. I'm on my way right now. I'll be there in just a few minutes." She said as she began to gather her things with tears in her eyes.

The girls were all confused and concerned. Obviously, something was wrong and they wanted to know what it was, so they could try to help cheer up you and Ryujin somehow.

But as soon as Yeji touched Ryujin's back and Ryujin started to cry, the words fell from her lips and they knew that no matter how much they tried, nothing could cheer the two of you up right now.

Ryujin Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now