you're drunk and don't recognize her (requested)

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Ryujin slipped the car keys and her phone into the pockets of her sweatpants that she had on as she opened the door to the club you and your friends have been in for the last few hours.

She wasn't supposed to be here to pick you and your friends up for another hour or so.

But they called her a few minutes ago, explaining that she needed to come now instead, and Ryujin was on her way as soon as that call ended.

She looked all around for you and your friends and she felt so relieved when she saw you all across the room.

She walked to you, watching as your three friends tried to safely get you off the dance floor and get the drink out of your hands.

"I think you've had enough to drink tonight, my love." She joked as she appeared in front of you.

"Oh, Ryujin," one of your friends sighed in relief; the one that called her. "Thanks for coming to get her earlier. She needs to get away from the alcohol and be safe in bed at home. She's so wasted."

Ryujin sighed as she stared at you.

"I figured. She's been stressed. I had a feeling she'd get a little carried away tonight."

Your friend nodded at her and watched her reach out to touch your arm.

"Hey, sweet girl. How about we go home? We'll cuddle in bed until we fall asleep. I think that sounds much better than drinking and dancing." She smiled and continued to caress your arm, only for you to push her hand away.

"Y/N?" One of your friends mumbled.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Ryujin frowned.

"Baby?" You mumbled as you gazed at her in confusion. "I don't know who you are."

"So drunk you can't recognize your girlfriend?" She teased and tried to playfully boop your nose, only for you to move your head so she wouldn't be able to.

Ryujin's smile faded. She realized then that you weren't being silly, you were so drunk that you genuinely couldn't recognize her.

"I have a girlfriend." You warned and her head lifted at your words, her eyes lighting up as her lips tugged into a smirk.

"Do you?"


"Well, she's very lucky." She said and your friends giggled over the look of sincerity in her eyes, seeing that Ryujin genuinely considered herself very lucky to have you.

"No, I am." You slurred. "I love my girlfriend!"

Ryujin didn't say a word, she just grinned at you, her eyes full of stars.

"Her name is Ryujin. She's the love of my life."

"Is that so?" She asked, her heart fluttering in her chest.

"Yes. She's the only one I love. She's the only one that gets to call me baby and gets to take me home. Not you."

"That's good to know, darling," Ryujin spoke softly as she took your hand again, brushing her fingers across your hand. "You're the sweetest and I'm very in love with you." She said, unable to stop herself from saying the words that were on her lips.

Soon, her touch became very familiar and you melted into it, quickly realizing that she was standing there in front of you.

"Baby!" You slurred and pulled away from your friends so you could be wrapped in Ryujin's arms. "It's time to go home?"

"Yeah," Ryujin said as she brushed her thumb across your cheek.

"Good. I'm drunk and tired."

"I can tell." She giggled. "Let's get you home, my love."

After offering your friends a ride only for them to tell Ryujin that they planned on staying a bit longer, she grabbed your things and helped you out to the car.

She was worried about you tripping and stumbling, so she kept you secure in her arms and took each step very slowly and carefully, telling herself that each one was one closer to the safety of the car.

Once you reached it a few minutes later, she helped you into the seat and made sure you were buckled in.


"Yeah, baby?" She asked, looking at you with bright eyes.

"Before you got here to get me, did you see the girl that was flirting with me?"

Ryujin sank her teeth into her lip to keep herself from laughing as she shook her head.

"How drunk are you, babe?" She giggled as she caressed your cheek before kissing your forehead.

"Don't worry, Ryujin. She tried to get me to go home with her but I made it clear that I was taken. I refused to go home with anyone but you."

"Thank you, darling." She giggled before kissing both of your cheeks. "Okay, time to go home and get up to bed. I think you need lots of rest before I tease you in the morning about all of this."

You didn't catch the last part, already falling asleep with your head back against the seat.

Ryujin shook her head with a laugh before getting into the car and driving away from the club, so looking forward to the morning ahead.

Ryujin Imagines (gxg)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon