I'll do whatever it takes (requested)

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"I'm so ready for the tour. I can't wait to travel around and meet MIDZY!" Yuna excitedly said as the girls all sat down on the floor.

Trying to catch their breath and sip on some cold water after practicing so hard for so long, they were all trying to focus on how worth it their hard work will be when the tour begins and they get to perform across the world.

"What song are you most excited to perform? I'm excited for sorry not sorry!" Lia said as she twisted the cap back on her water bottle.

Ryujin was about to answer when her phone went off from nearby.

Since she had a moment to check it and she thought it might just be you asking how she and the girls are doing today.

But it wasn't you.

What she saw caused her heart to sink.

It didn't even seem real.

"Ryujin? Is everything alright?" Chaeryeong asked as she noticed the look of horror on her friend's face.


"What is it?" Yeji asked.

"Look at this," Ryujin said as she passed her phone to Yeji, who looked the message over in complete terror.

"I don't think that was meant for you."

"No, it was meant for my girl but this person sent it to me instead," Ryujin said.

"Sent you what? Is something wrong? Is Y/N okay?" Lia asked, all the words falling from her lips in a panic.

"Someone sent Ryujin a death threat meant for
Y/N," Yeji said and the girls were clearly shocked by her words.

"What? Oh my god! What does it say?"

"I know where you live. I know where you work. I could come over and end your life right now if I wanted to. You took Ryujin away from me and that's not okay. I don't like you. I want to hurt you."

The message sent a shiver down the girls' spines.

"That's terrifying," Yuna said.

"I need to get to Y/N!" Ryujin spoke as she stood up. "Who knows if this person is serious or if it's just an empty threat? She could get hurt. I can't let that happen!"

"Ryujin, you have to tell JYP so they can find this person and something can be done about it," Chaeryeong said as the girls watched Ryujin hurriedly grab her things.

"Later. Right now, Y/N needs me. I'm going to her."

Without another word, Ryujin ran out of the building and out to her car.

Starting it up, she drove as fast as she could to your house before pulling into the driveway and jumping out to run up the steps of your front porch.

She saw your car was in the driveway and aside from hers, no one else's was there.

"Y/N! Y/N, are you in there? Open up!" She said as she pounded on the front door.

When it opened and she saw you standing there in front of her safe and sound, a huge weight was lifted from her shoulders.

"Ryujin, what's going on!?" You asked, sensing the panic and alarm behind her desperation to get you to open up.

But she didn't say anything.

She just walked inside and closed the door before turning the lock.

"Ryujin, are you hurt? Are you in danger?" You asked before she pulled you into her arms.

"No. But I was so scared that you were."

"What? I'm fine." You chuckled as you pulled away. "Why would you think that?"

"Have you gotten any weird texts lately or felt like you're in danger? Has anyone threatened you?" She asked as she pulled back.

"No, not at all. If that happened, you know I'd tell you right away."

She peeked out the curtains as she grabbed your hand and led you to your room.

"Have you been home all day? You haven't gone out? If you did, you checked your house, right? Was anything out of place or strange?"

"No. Ryujin, what is going on? You're scaring me."

She sighed as she laid down in your bed with you, pulling you into her arms.

"That's the last thing I want to do but I can't hide this from you. I got a text."

"What kind of text?"

"One that was meant for you, not me. But I guess this person found both of our numbers and texted me the message by accident. They were threatening you. They said they wanted to hurt you."

"What?" You asked and Ryujin could see the fear and anxiety in your eyes.

"But don't worry because I'm not going to let that happen! I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe. I won't let this person, or anyone, hurt you. I promise."

You couldn't deny how frightened you felt just at the thought of someone wanting to hurt you.

You weren't surprised by it though because you knew that things like that would come along with dating Ryujin.

In every fandom, there are always people who can't handle the thought of the person they claim to adore so much to be happy with someone that isn't them.

They'll say repeatedly how they want that person, such as your girlfriend, to always be happy as they swear up and down that they'll never stop supporting her.

But then, your relationship went public and things changed and, suddenly, those supportive people aren't so supportive anymore.

It's messed up but it's not unusual and you knew that.

But it was terrifying.

"They know your address. They know you live here."

"What!? Oh, no, what if they come here?"

"I want you to stay with me and the girls at the dorms." She said as she reached out to caress your cheek in comfort.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I need to keep you safe. I'll do anything for you. So I want you to pack a bag and we'll head there and you can stay there until we figure things out."

You cracked a small smile and she felt a little relieved to see it.

"I won't ever let anyone hurt you, baby. I promise."

"Thank you." You said as she leaned in and kissed your forehead, promising you that everything will be alright.

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