Chapter 74

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"Am I not coming?" Sidwell asked them.

"Why should we take you home?" Eiji asked. "Didn't you settle down here?" Alex asked.

"I prefer to stay with my Heibis. So take me with you." Sidwell said.

"No way." Louis and Jason immediately said. Alice look at her guardian while Arjen and Arien look at their Guardian.

"What if you sleep in the Imperial city and return to your original form or kill someone innocent?" Louis said. "Yeah. I don't think that would be right." Jason said. "They're right." Arjen said. "Yeah." Alice and Arien said.

"... I've never made such a mistake. How dare you suspect a dragon?" Sidwell said glaring at them. "Dragons depend on dragons." Jason said. "Yeah. Beside its true anyway." Louis said.

"Ja~so~n!" Arien said giving him a warning. "Louis." Alice said pulling Louis's cheek. "I didn't mean to argue, Arien..." Jason said as his red wolf ear appears. "A-Ah... It's hurt, Alice... I'm sorry." Louis said as his silver fox appears. "Jason... It seems like he's particularly weak to Arien. And Alice look really scary when she's angry." Arjen said.

"I'd be very happy if Sidwell could come." Alex said. "Brother?" Eiji said. "It's no exaggeration to say that dragons are a race at the peak of mado." Alex said.

"It just so happened that the magic I was working on didn't work out. If you can give me advice, it will be a big help." Alex politely said. "I said I was thinking about it, Brother Alex." Arien and Alice thought.

"Well, let's take him." Eiji said. "... If the Second Prince says so..." Jason said. "Hmm~ good. I'm willing to give you some help." Sidwell said. "Thank you." Alex said.

"By the way... How do we get out of here?" Louis said looking up. "Yeah. When I looked down, I just broke it down." Eiji said. "Haha. Don't worry." Sidwell said.

"This body will take care of it!" Sidwell said shooting the ceiling using his magic make everyone around him shaking.

"What...." Alice said in shock when the sunlight come at her face.

"What, what?!?!?!?! Here, wasn't it below the basement?!" Arien said in shock.

"Even in my country, there was no sunlight in my place. This is a basement, but it's connected to the ground." Sidwell said. "I should've blown it off earlier." Jason and Louis thought with irked mark.

"Let's get out of here!" Sidwell happily said while everyone look at him in disbelief.

"What was that noise just now?!" Duke Eshio asked in shock. "I-I don't know!!" The Butler said. Duke Eshio suddenly saw Sidwell from outside.

"Si... Sidwell!!" Duke Eshio said running towards them.

"Ah~ Duke Eshio." Sidwell said. Duke Eshio's son and the Butler also at there.

"That's the Duke Eshio... Then the boy next to him must be his son." Alice thought as Louis gently put her down. "Mr. Sidwell..." Duke Eshio and his son said. "Now, you guys, what the hell is this?" The Butler asked.

"Mr. Sidwell... You're out of the basement..." Duke Eshio's son said. "Did you finally open your heart....?!" Duke Eshio asked.

"Oh- not really. I'm going to live in the Imperial city." Sidwell said. "What?!" Duke Eshio and his son exclaims in shock.

"I owe you so much. Feel free to use remaining potions in the basement." Sidwell said. Duke Eshio and his son looked at him still in shock.

"Were those referring not enough?! I've sacrificed myself so many times...!!" Duke Eshio yelled at him. Arjen, Arien and Alice taken back when he said that.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 (𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬)Where stories live. Discover now