Alice and Louis facts.

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1. Ever since Alice's first dance with Louis, she start to show her green and red eyes more because she want to love herself more. (Alice cut her long bang to show her eyes.)

2. Alice's favorite brother is Alex because he's the first one that Alice trust him other than the Emperor and others prince.

3. One of facts that everyone didn't know about Alice even Arien and Arjen is in Alice's past life, she was actually have a Royal blood in her body. That's why Alice actually almost good at her studies and etiquette.

4. Sometimes at the Imperial Palace, Alice and Louis can make a great troublemaker team. Alice will follow what Louis plan for their prank and they'll get mad by the Emperor or Loyd. (Though, Louis was the only one get mad.)

5. The Emperor actually favors Alice more than Arien and Arjen because of her special eyes. The Emperor really love her eyes that make he almost kidnapped Alice away from Rurahel when she was a baby.

6. Alice's mental health was really bad because of the abuse from Rurahel. But it's start to get better when she decided to live at the Imperial Palace. (Only getting trigger if someone said about Rurahel but slowly become better as she getting older)

7. Alice actually didn't into boys like Arien much. But she believe that Riolu was her first love ever since she was 5 years old.

8. When Alice know that she have an Imperial blood and Heibi blood at her veins, she want to learn more about mix blood and Heibi. But the Emperor and the princes didn't want her to.

9. Even though the Emperor favors Alice more but she can't help and felt jealous at Arien because of her personality and her appearance. But Alice didn't turn it into hatred. She turn the feeling into protective. It make her want to protect Arien at all cost.

10. Sometime Alice gonna ride Louis in his animal form around the Imperial Palace when she bored. Of course, the Emperor scolded (almost kill) Louis.

11. Sometimes Loyd teaches Alice about the Empire and Alex teaches Alice about magic. Meanwhile Eiji teaches Alice how to beaten up a boys at her.

12. Arjen and Alice like to have competition at each other. Like swordsmanship or chess. But what competition that Arjen always lose with Alice is knowledge or studies. Arien sometimes just let them with their competitions.  

13. Because of Arien have a Heibi blood, she think that Alice is the perfect one to be the First Princess of Yuriana Empire other than her because at least Alice have an Imperial blood.

14. Louis and Jason is close because they like to tease the Imperial family member other than the triplets. But Louis and Jason didn't look at each other like a sibling. They look at each other as friends more than a siblings. Even though, they born together.

15. Alice sometime can be a really scary when she get mad and annoyed. She will become sarcastic and glaring at their eyes with her eyes glowing. (Like when Edward make she angry.)

16. Sidwell also close to Alice but because Arien was the one he 'sign' with, Sidwell focus on Arien more than her despite her having Heibi blood. Alice don't think much about it anyway.

17. Jason also can be Alice's guardian and Louis can be Arien and Arjen's guardian. But Louis feel his power from Alice's the most. Same as Jason. That's why when they protect the triplets but one of the guardian is not with them, the other guardian can protect the master. (Short explanation. The triplets is like having a two bodyguard at the same time.)

18. Alice was the only one who have the riding or equestrian class beside Arien and Arjen since she want to learn it. The Emperor didn't want to let her at first but he give up when Alice's staring at him with cute eyes.

19. Alice actually still in love with her only crush. The only one who know about it was Arien and Arjen. That's why they still teasing her when it's about boys.

20. Arien, Arjen and Alice never getting jealous with each other. Arien and Arjen already close to each other since their past life. But since they have Alice as their twins, they promised to protect each other. The three of them really love each other as a siblings.

This is some pictures preference of the triplets and their guardians together.

Yeah, since Alice started to live at the Imperial Palace, her personality changed. She started to pranks her family and the servants. The Emperor and the princes didn't really bothered about it. Beside, they were glad that Alice started get more better and happy. When they caught Alice's prank, the Emperor just scolded her softly but if it's was servant, Sara will give her strict scolded. Sometimes Arien and Arjen follow her pranks with their guardians.

I'll make a side story about her life and will publish at here. But now I'm busy with my school. I'll publish it when I'm not busy.

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