Chapter 111

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"... Hey, Ed. About that confession..." Alice suddenly said to him as she talked about the confession from him at the school few months ago.

"I will tell my answer after I come back and I want to tell you something later." Alice said to him make Edward surprised a little.

"... Alright. No matter what is your answer, I will accept it with my heart." Edward said with a smile on his face. Alice nodded to him.

The next day, the triplets sneak out from the palace and hide their hair with black hair dye. Alice were thinking about Edward make her twins were confused at her.

"Ali!" Arien said to her loudly make she jumped before turned to looked at her. "Oh, Sister. What's wrong?" Alice immediately snap out from her thought and turned to looked at them. "What are you thinking about so intently? You didn't even heard us calling for you?" Arjen said to her make she laughed nervously at them.

"Nothing. Just thinking about something." Alice quickly dismissed it with a smile. "Even Louis and Jason keep daydream." Arien said as they looked over their guardians that in kid's form. Jason and Louis just laugh nervously at them. The five of them were on their way to the town by the carriage that they sneak out.

"Are you kids okay back there? The road is quite uneven..." The old driver said to them in concern. "Oh, we're fine." Arien quickly said to him with a smile. "We're very grateful for the ride." Alice and Arjen said to him. "Hoho. That's a relief." The old man laughed at them.

"It couldn't have been an easy decision for kids as young as yourselves to go to the city in search of work. We'll arrive in the village soon. Hang in there." The old man said to them unaware of their true identities. "Okay. Thank you." The triplets said to him in polite.

"I wonder if Dad has noticed that we've disappeared." Arien said to them. "Who knows?" Arjen just shrugged it off. "It's only matter of the time before they come after us." Alice said from beside.

"Yeah. Beside, we already pulled the trigger, so let's collect intel as quickly as possible and return home." Arjen said to them make Alice nodded to him. "Y-Yeah..." Arien said to him while Jason and Louis just watch them.

After awhile, they finally arrived at the city where the kidnapping case were spreading. They thanked the old man for give them a ride before walked towards a specific pub, 'Red Cat'. They acting like a poor children and asking for a job at the worker.

"You three are looking for a job you can do together?" The worker asked them and looked at them in suspicious. "The five of us are the only family that we have." Arien said to him while the hoods were covering their head. "We need money to buy medicine for our frail brothers." Alice said dramatically to try to earn his sympathy while Arjen and Louis fake coughs. "Could you please hire us?" Jason said to him.

"No! Go look somewhere else!" The worker angrily said to them but Arjen noticed a woman inside the pub and watch them in silence. "Please have some kind, sir." Arjen decided to take off the hood and show his face to them.

"Could you please reconsider it?" Arjen try to act pitiful to them with his pretty look. "Move!" The woman pushed the worker away and stepped in front of them.

She staring at them up and down. "You fourth, take off your hoods too." The woman said to them. "She's expecting us as if we're merchandise." Jason whispered slowly to them while take off his hood. "Tell me about it." Arien whispered back and take off her hood. "We are going to be a rare merchandise then." Alice whispered with a smirk before slide off her hood. "Indeed." Louis agree with her and take off his hood.

The woman and worker were surprised by their good looks. "You idiot! We almost let these five slip right from under our noses. You have no eye when it comes to this!" The woman whispered angrily at the worker while pinched his ear.

"But they're too old! We only deal with little kids!" The worker whispered back to her. "With those looks, you don't need to worry about age!" The woman angrily whispered back to them. "I can guess what they're talking about..." Alice thought to herself and rolled her eyes.

"Send word to Mr. Shylon at once. Tell him that we have five 'new merchandise'. And the finest quality at that!" The woman proudly said. "We did it!" The fiver of them thought.

Alice glanced at her bracelet that she was wearing and decided to take off to not look suspicious as she hide it inside of her dress. They walked inside the pub together. "Follow me." The woman said to them and show the way of the pub.

"This is the storage room. Could you wait here for a bit?" The woman said as they stand in front of the empty room. "Alright..." Arien said as she looked inside of the room before the woman shoved her make she surprised.

The woman quickly pull Alice's arm and shoved her inside the room like Arien. Arjen, Jason and Louis also got shoved by the worker but more gentle than them. "He threw us more gently than I expected." Arjen said while sweat dropped.

"What luck! We will be paid handsomely this time! Thank you so much, kiddos!" The woman happily laughed as the door were getting locked from outside.

"... So, it's begin." Arien said once the door were locked. "That was pretty easy." Jason said. "It's really dark in here though." Alice said while looking around the room. "Let me check if there's any light..." Louis said.

They suddenly heard the sound of crying as Louis immediately hold his hand out make the light ball appears in his hand. "That's the sound of children's crying!" Alice thought in surprised and saw three children crying on the corner.

"The kidnapped children!"

"You must've been terrified..." Arien quickly said in worried as they come closer to them. Alice looked over them and put her hand on their wound to heal them. "Their wounds is not life-threatening." Alice said as she looked over the children in concern.

"H-Hey! Is this a magic?!" One of the children suddenly said as he come towards Louis since he's holding a light ball using his power. "Are you a mage?!" The other one also come towards him. "Please save us! Please!" The little girl immediately hug Alice after she healed her.

"Alice, give me your orders..." Louis said as he looked at her. "... Not yet. If we release them here, they will just get capture again." Arjen said to them before Alice can open her mouth.

"I bet there are more of them. If we move hastily, they'll track us down in no time..." Arjen bluntly said before he suddenly realized that his words made the children cry more.

"Arjen, you should start by giving them hope." Arien scolded him from beside. "How cruel of your words, Brother." Alice bluntly said to him. "S-Sorry..." Arjen feels bad for making the children cry more.

"It's alright, kids! We will save you no matter what!" Arien proudly said as she stand up and smiled at the children widely.

"The truth is we're agents that His Majesty, The Emperor personally sent!" Arien said in proud while the fouth of them were confused by her words. "Say what now?" Alice said in confusion.

Meanwhile, at The Imperial Palace.

The Emperor finally read their letters that they leave before sneak out. "Dad! We're sorry for leaving without permission. We will do our part and return soon. So please watch over us! Your loving children, Arien, Arjen and Alice." The emperor read the letter with shaking hand and looked over another small note.

"I told you didn't I? Fathers who are too controlling aren't loved." The emperor crumpled the letter from Louis and Jason while his bloodlust letting out from his body.

"... Jason... Louis... When you come back, I will the two of you into a raw chickens..." The emperor muttered to himself while the servants were shaking in fear. "He's so, so scary!" The servants thought.

"... Bring me Sidwell." The emperor darkly said make they flinched. "Y-Yes! Right away, Your Majesty!" The servants scrambled to get to Sidwell before he get more angry.

"Tell him that he needs to earn his keep."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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