Chapter 106

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"Are those explosions?" The student anxiously said while looking around. "I'm scared..." They said in fear.

"At least no one was wounded, thanks to the barriers." The other student said. "Ooh. I'd expect no less of the Academy..." They said in amazed.

Without knowing, Dean Juliana was watching them inside of her tower. She sighed in relief after saw every students is safe under her barriers.

"That was some incredible defensive magic." Sehera suddenly appeared behind her but Dean Juliana didn't even surprise by it.

Dean Juliana turned behind to look at him. ".... I was expecting you, Sehera." Dean Juliana said to him. Sehera just looked at her with serious face.

"... Did you know I would come?" Sehera asked her. "To some extent, thieves and collectors aren't the only people who buy information by informants." Dean Juliana said.

"You deliberately leaks fails information, didn't you? A pentagram... Haha." Dean Juliana laughed before her face turned serious. "What did you intend to do if they were casualties?" Dean Juliana asked him.

"... It is what it is. I had to do what needed to be done to create a distraction within the academy. Besides, you had countermeasures in place." Sehera said to her.

"You hid magic tools that could activate barriers at any moment within the stalls... And positioned those stalls in the location specified by the informant. Those barriers were more than capable countering the explosion." Sehera said.

"I couldn't let you hurt the students and civilians for your purpose. You're here for 'that book', aren't you?" Dean Juliana said to him. "If you already know that much, I suppose I won't need to hide any longer. I came here for the sole purpose..." Sehera said.

"... Of finding 'The Slayers Tears', the grimoire that contains the secret techniques of my people!" Sehera said.

"I've waited too long. I had to win over the noble of the Empire, create a fake identity, and come all the way here in my search for the grimoire. And now, my objective is finally within reach..." Sehera activated his magic.

"If you don't cooperate, I'll kill you even if I have to die trying." Sehera said while holding his magic on his hand. "... Sehera, I..." Dean Juliana tried to say something when the door slammed from outside.

"Dean Juliana!" Alice burst into the room with heavy breath. "Are you alright?!" Alice asked her and widened her eyes to see Sehera almost use his magic on the Dean.

"Alice?!" Dean Juliana said in surprise. Sehera glared at her. "Sehera!" Alice yelled and activated her shadow magic from her hands.

"You! Don't you dare to touch her!" Alice yelled while trying to shoot at him when Sehera just make it disappear. Alice gritted her teeth to see Sehera easily dodge from her magic.

Sehera jumped behind the Dean and knocked her out. "Ah... I lowered my guard." Dean Juliana slumped to the ground but Sehera catches her. "Dean Juliana!" Alice called her name.

"You know that I can control your power by my power? You should be lucky if I don't take it but you didn't want to listen. I guess..." Sehera smirked while flowing his magic towards Alice.

"I'll take it then. In the end, it should be mine." Alice widened her eyes when his magic flying towards her. The bracelet was shining make Alice realized it.

"No! I can't let it take over me!" Alice thought while think about something. She stepped away and closed her eyes in fear.

"Edward!" Alice unconsciously called his name in her mind. Someone burst inside the room and run towards her to protect her away.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 (𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬)Where stories live. Discover now