If F!Sole Managed to Get a Car Running

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Cait - Is somewhat terrified when she gets inside it and F!Sole drives them somewhere. She is constantly worrying over how the car might break down or it might go out of control if they go down a hill too fast. However, when she discovers that one can run over raiders with it, she is suddenly much more interested despite her lingering suspicion.

Piper - Is immediately fascinated and determined to jot down notes about every single bit of the process of cranking the vehicle and getting it to run. It is positively exhilarating to her when F!Sole and her get into the car and actually drive a little ways in it. Needless to say, she has plenty of inspiration and content for a monumental story.

Curie - Is interested in it, but is not as enamored as Piper. After all, Curie comes from a time when cars were normal occurrences. However, she is still very pleased that F!Sole has managed to bring back the beginnings of normalcy in the Commonwealth.

MacCready - Is very happy because he can now see his little boy much faster and easier and whenever he wants. F!Sole lets him borrow the vehicle any time he wants, and he is endlessly thankful.

Deacon - Is immediately in love with it and proceeds to try to name it. After a variety of mostly inappropriate or stupid names, F!Sole finally decides to let him call it "The Whirlwind."

Codsworth - Is absolutely beside himself with joy. He loves the fact that his mistress managed to put together a car. He will proceed to wax it and polish it and do everything in his power to make it look like a vehicle of Pre-War days.

Hancock - Loves the vehicle and begs F!Sole to drive it everywhere so they can show it off. He also likes to try and get in Piper's way when she photographs the car for her newspaper, and he makes lots of various, interesting poses. Piper quickly informs him that her newspaper is not an issue of the Pre-War Playboy magazines.

Danse - Is thrilled and rambles to F!Sole about how beneficial this sort of convenience could be for the Brotherhood. If she is in good graces with the Brotherhood, he insists that she show the invention to them and explain how she accomplished the great feat of putting the vehicle together.

Preston - Is very impressed and feels that his General should get some more cars running so that the Minutemen can take advantage of their time-saving qualities.

Valentine - Is exceedingly nostalgic and proceeds to tell some of his best vehicle stories to F!Sole. She is more than happy to listen, because they usually put such a smile on the synth's face.

X6-88 - Is pleased with the practicality of the car. He finds it greatly effective in quickly transporting them to where they need to go. But he does recommend making the muffler and the motor a bit quieter so that enemies won't hear them coming quite so well.

Dogmeat - Is absolutely in love with it. He loves sticking his head out the open window and feeling the wind in his fur as his tongue flies behind him. This is his favorite accomplishment of F!Sole's yet.

Strong - Thinks the car is stupid. He thinks that F!Sole is being lazy because she wants something else to carry her around instead of relying on her own two feet. It annoys him and he doesn't crush the vehicle only because he is a little wary of an explosion.

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