If F!Sole Pukes

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Cait - Is not bothered by the mess in the least, having dealt with her fair share of puke herself considering her own drinking habits. Cait usually waits for her to finish before patting her on the back and offering a water and possibly a rag from F!Sole's bag.

Piper - Just stands there and rubs F!Sole's back, holding her hair back as she pukes. Piper's handled her sister when sick, and her Blue is no different. She'll stick right by her the whole time. Although, she does avert her eyes from the mess. After it's all finished, she has learned to not tell any of her stories because they always make F!Sole laugh which ends up hurting her stomach.

Curie - Handles it the best out of everyone. She has more caretaker knowledge than Piper, an iron stomach about the entire thing, and always knows the best ways to settle a stomach. However, most of her ways often stem back to pre-war times, so she usually has to improvise. The only bad thing about Curie is that she is way too analytical and interested in the process and the mess itself...

MacCready - Is concerned at first, but ends up feeling like puking with them and starts gagging alongside them. Before everything is through, both F!Sole and MacCready are emptying their stomachs together.

Deacon - Doesn't like hanging around for it--- it's pretty gross, after all--- but he sticks by like a good trooper. When she's finished, he'll ask if she's alright and then ask her if she wants to take it easy for a while. He doesn't insist on anything, but he does make plenty of suggestions.

Codsworth - Is just really chill about it and handles it as he was programmed to do. He asks her the customary questions about whether she is alright and ultimately focuses his efforts on cleaning up.

Hancock - Strokes her back and keeps her hair away from the outgoing mess. He'll offer some chems to make things better, but if she is the kind that does not participate in such things, then he usually just offers some encouraging, reassuring words to try to make her feel better.

Danse - Usually tries to just leave her to it. He is honestly not equipped to handle stuff like that and it grosses him out. However, he will stiffly offer help while desperately hoping she will not take him up on it.

Preston - Asks her if she needs anything and usually tries to get her to a bed so she can relax and ease her stomach. He will always be there for her and get whatever she might need.

Valentine - Takes a similar approach to Piper and holds her hair back. He always tells her a story to try to make her feel a little better and distract her from her stomach situation.

X6-88 - Asks if she needs to see an Institute doctor. The entire ordeal makes him terribly uncomfortable and he is ordinarily standing not too far from her with his arms crossed and and facing away from the situation. He wants no part of it.

Dogmeat - Watches her closely as he stands protectively nearby. When she's through, he comes nearer and licks her hand in an attempt to make her feel at least a little better. 

Strong - Is pretty unsympathetic about the ordeal. He will actually start grumbling comments about how tiny humans make no sense, how their stomachs are way too weak, and how super mutants are better than tiny humans.

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