Teen F!Sole Going Through Rebellious Phase and Not Wanting to Listen

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Cait - Gets really angry really fast and her and F!Sole get into screaming matches frequently. However, nothing Cait says or does affects F!Sole's behavior in the least which successfully infuriates the redhead beyond belief. Cait just wants what's best for the girl.

Piper - Is going through this with Nat anyway, so it's really not that big of a surprise for her. However, it is extremely hard on her to handle a moody pre-teen and a moody teenager, too. She ends up trying to bargain with the little turd in order to try to make her behave.

Curie - Grows quite flustered and the way that F!Sole keeps blowing her off and saying ugly things to her honestly hurts her feelings terribly. When she finally cannot take it anymore and cries about it in front of F!Sole, F!Sole realizes how horribly she's been acting and she tries to tone it down at least a little.

MacCready - Gets really aggravated with her and starts sassing her back in equal measure. Every time they do this, they start fighting like little kids and giving each other the silent treatment until one or the other of the two finally decides to start talking again and the tension dissipates form between them. 

Deacon - Does not let it bother him outwardly even though it annoys him on the inside. He just responds to her in a calm, deadpan form of sass and blows her off as much as she blows him off. It ends up making her really mad and she realizes that she quite simply cannot get to him or rebel against him successfully.

Codsworth - Gets quite frustrated with her and fusses over her constantly, scolding her and as a whole just driving her insane with his constant corrections. He has no idea how to handle a rambunctious, irritating teen but he is doing the best that he can.

Hancock - Finds himself pretty annoyed with her a lot, but he just laughs it off and pretends that nothing she does bothers him. Soon enough, it starts to bug her that he does not care what she does, and she starts trying to figure out what he wants from her. Therefore, his ultimate goal is achieved and she is over her phase.

Danse - Every time she sasses or starts disobeying, he very angrily sends her to perform his own exercising regiment which is much more advanced than her usual one. He tells her that as her commanding officer, she must obey or he will write a report about her (which is a mostly empty threat, but he tries to keep her from knowing it). She ends up being really well-muscled and strong by the time her rebellious phase is over.

Preston - Is positively aggravated as can be and has no idea how to handle her. He constantly tries to explain to her why the things that she does are wrong, and he ends up just forcing her to sit down as he gives her the same talk every time she does something. She ends up getting so tired of these discussions that she behaves a little better.

Valentine - Is very disappointed in her and has no problem just giving her these extremely disappointed and disapproving glares. He does not say anything to her about what she does, but his silent guilt tripping soon enough bothers her to the point that she actually starts trying to mind his words and behave.

X6-88 - Is very irked by her lack of heed to his words and advice, but he just follows her to protect her when she acts on her bad ideas and whatnot. Usually once he has saved her from whatever predicament she got herself into, he just very calmly tells her "I told you so" in the most monotone, deadpan manner ever.

Strong - Gets really mad when she doesn't do what he wants her to do and he usually ends up stomping off and smashing something to keep from smashing her. However, one day, when he gets particularly angry, he smashes something nearby her and she decides that she needs to listen to him at least a bit more often before she's next on the smashing list.

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