Dynamic Between Pre-Teen F!Sole and Companions Wandering Through Wastes

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Cait - Tries to keep a watch over the kid. At first, she's not really overly interested in the girl, and she treats her just as coarsely and bluntly as she would anyone else that she has met. However, as they come to know one another more, Cait just grows more protective and becomes softer toward her. It eventually comes to a point where she realizes that she would kill anyone and maybe even give her own life to make sure the kid is safe.

Piper - Is very protective. After all, her sister is around that same age, and F!Sole reminds her a little too much of Nat for her liking. She does not like the idea of letting the kid wander through the wasteland, but she lets her since she is not her mother or her big sister and she has no control over her technically. If the kid shows herself to be a good fighter, Piper is not quite as worried anymore, but she is just as protective of her as she was before.

Curie - Does not want F!Sole to go through the Commonwealth like this since she is so young and seems so helpless. Curie herself does not feel safe and she knows she cannot defend the girl effectively. Ultimately, as soon as they set off, Curie is thinking of reasons that they should return home, trying and failing to present these reasons in a surreptitious manner.

MacCready - Honestly does not like that a kid is out here on her own. However, he respects her and treats her like an adult. After all, when he was around her age, he was going along just fine and could take care of himself pretty well. He does not underestimate her, but he does try to keep a bit of an eye on her just in case.

Deacon - Does not underestimate the power of a kid in the wasteland. He knows they can be pretty slippery if they want. He's seen his share of con-kids. But he does keep a close eye on her since she is not used to this world. He lets her think that she's in control of herself and the situation, but he secretly watches over her.

Codsworth - Does not like it one bit that she is out here in the wasteland. While he has utmost confidence in her, he does not have utmost confidence in the Commonwealth. He feels that he must do all he can to protect her since he is the last remaining guardian that she has in this world. It leaves him feeling quite stressed oftentimes.

Hancock - Is protective of her, but he gives her some distance, too. He is pretty chill about her wandering through the Commonwealth, and he feels pretty good about his ability to take care of her fighting-wise but also with his reputation alone. He tries to keep a good balance of treating her like an adult and treating her like the kid she is when it is necessary.

Danse - Feels extremely protective of her and sometimes overkills it. He has no problem just stepping between her and anyone that she might talk to if he perceives them as being even slightly dangerous. He also makes sure that he is between her and any enemies. After all, he is wearing power armor and he is much more well-protected than her. Furthermore, he would much rather be injured himself than for her to suffer a wound.

Preston - Feels an obligation to keep a close watch on her even though she is not his child or his sibling. He feels that as a Minuteman and the adult in the situation, it is his job. He also cares about her deeply, and honestly wishes that she would not go out into the Commonwealth at all. However, when they are out, he just watchfully protects her and ensures her safety at all times.

Valentine - Does not really feel good about a kid being out and about in the Commonwealth like this. He worries that he gets into too much stuff for her to keep safe, and he worries that he won't be able to protect her well enough. Furthermore, at night, since he does not sleep, he keeps an eye out for any undesirables to make sure that they don't bother the girl and him. Overall, he is just really on edge when they are out together.

X6-88 - Works to ensure her safety as well as he can. He is not a nurturer, but he ensures she has what she needs. He does not let anyone come near her, and he safeguards her like a dragon would protect its treasure. He almost never worries about her because he has confidence in his own abilities to ensure that whatever comes their way is swiftly taken care of.

Dogmeat - Loves her more than anything in the world, and he does not care where she goes as long as he gets to come with her. He protects her viciously, loves her fiercely, and would eagerly jump into the mouth of a deathclaw for her if she asked. Her young age does not matter to him in the least.

Strong - Does not worry about her. He watches over her like he would his super-mutant brothers or their hounds. He considers her to be an ally, and he takes care of allies. He does not overprotect her by any means, but he makes sure she is safe enough to avoid harm.

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