F!Sole as Doctor with Ability to Make Really Good Prosthetics

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Cait - Honestly is not too affected by the knowledge. She's obviously really pleased that F!Sole is more than capable to put her back together if the situation calls for it. But it is not something that she regularly thinks about when she sees F!Sole. To her, F!Sole is just the same as she was before Cait found out about her ability.

Piper - Loves the fact that she has such an incredible friend who has such a wonderful talent to help so many people. She proudly writes an article about her in Publick Occurrences whenever she finds out, and Piper talks about how F!Sole is the biggest genius that she knows. She also writes plenty of pieces about the instances that F!Sole has medically helped people that needed it, and she is sure to gush over her amazing, giving heart.

Curie - Suddenly feels so much more relieved about the prospect of having one of her limbs blown off. She definitely is going to do all that she can to avoid that scenario, but she definitely feels a lot better knowing that she is such close friends with someone who can give her a wonderful replacement that is as close to real life as it comes. She also asks F!Sole if she would be willing to teach her how to make these wonderful miracles.

MacCready - Thinks that it is really awesome that she knows how to do all of that stuff. He doesn't think she should waste her time on people that would not give her a second thought outside of what she can do for them, but he does like how she is kind enough to try to make prosthetics for anyone that wants them from her.

Deacon - Asks her if she can make one that could work as an overlay for his actual leg. He would love to look like he had a prosthetic leg without actually having one. It would greatly assist him in looking completely different from himself while he is undercover. He also sees its incredible possibility to benefit Railroad members, so he suggests that she work with Carrington and Tinker Tom to teach them how to make prosthetics as well.

Codsworth - Already knew about her capabilities, but he is proud nonetheless. He particularly likes how she is sharing her gift and her knowledge with the Commonwealth. He desperately hopes that she will bring some of the humanity that was before the bombs to today's wasteland world.

Hancock - Thinks that she is even more incredible than he thought. He will waste no time in bragging to the people throughout Goodneighbor about the best person he knows and how she can almost magically work miracles and make people walk again. It's a little over-the-top, but then again, that's just how he rolls.

Danse - Feels that she is an even greater asset to the Brotherhood. He is fascinated by her ability to replicate life so well and to help people. He is very proud to introduce her to the Brotherhood as not only a great fighter but also as a great doctor. He believes that she could teach Knight-Captain Cade quite a few things that could help soldiers with missing limbs and whatnot.

Preston - Is absolutely pleased as can be to have a General who is not only the most incredible fighter and the most good-hearted person he has ever met but also is the best doctor he has ever seen. He asks her if she would be willing to share her creations with the Minutemen and help all of those fighters that have lost so that they might could regain some amount of movement or convenience that they had before. He also asks if she would be willing to teach.

Valentine - Feels a lot better about going out into dangerous situations. If she can make prosthetics, then she can definitely fix synth limbs. However, she does not let him think for one moment that he has an excuse to be more reckless than he already is. He promises to be careful still, even though he knows that if the situation requires it, she has him covered.

X6-88 - Finds it to be quite fascinating and wonders how she came to know so much about advanced prosthetics with only Pre-War advancements. The Institute, despite being much more advanced in many ways from a Pre-War world, still has not managed to master prosthetics. He asks her if she would be willing to explain to Institute doctors about her ways.

Strong - Does not really understand the concept. When super-mutant brother or tiny human loses leg or arm, it is just the way it is. They don't just get a new one. In fact, he has seen super-mutant brothers kill or leave behind other brothers when they lose a limb, so he believes that is the appropriate way to handle such things.

Maxson - Thinks that her ability is absolutely remarkable, and he even privately requests that she make leg prosthetics for Proctor Ingram. It would allow her a significant amount of mobility and some convenience that she has not possessed since she lost her legs, and it would make him very happy to be able to gift her such a thing since she does so much for the Brotherhood.

Sturges - Honestly is absolutely impressed. Of course, being a doctor is enough to make him think that she is a genius. And as a person who works with machines and whatnot, the fact that she is able to make prosthetics and "fix" people is utterly incredible to him. He is always in awe when he sees her at work, and he sort of wishes he knew how to do that himself even if he does believe that it is beyond his skill level.

Glory - Is shocked, but she takes it in stride. It's honestly not that big of a deal for her, but she does occasionally like to put Carrington in his place and tell him that F!Sole can do something he can't. He is sometimes way too unpleasant toward F!Sole, and she takes any opportunity she can to prove to him that F!Sole is actually a really decent person.

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