F!Sole Making Toys for Kids at Christmas

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Cait - Thinks that the kids probably won't appreciate them nearly as much as they should and that it might be a lost cause, but she sort of admires F!Sole for all of the thought she puts into it. However, when she sees the kids actually receive them, Cait is considerably softer about it, and she sees how much they really do appreciate it.

Piper - Feels even more love and admiration for her best friend. Piper thinks that she is truly the best person on the planet and the sweetest person in the world, and now that she has started making toys for kids like this, Piper somehow sees her as an even better person. Piper offers to help in any way she can even if it's just helping to wrap the presents or handing them out to kids.

Curie - Feels her chest growing so, so warm when she sees F!Sole hard at work trying to make things better for children. She is already in the Christmas spirit, so she is practically bouncing with her happiness and excitement about the whole thing. Curie excitedly asks to help, and she is soon eagerly wrapping the presents and handing F!Sole tools when she needs them.

MacCready - Honestly is really thrilled with the whole thing, and he knows how much kids will appreciate getting such wonderful gifts. Plus, since they're made by the handiest person he knows, so they're bound to be awesome. In fact, he sort of wants one for himself.....

Deacon - Is really pleased with her efforts, and thinks that she is doing a really good thing for the youngsters of the Commonwealth. When it becomes time for her to hand them out to the kids, he is there in his typical undercover fashion. He even tries to prank her and gets in line dressed as a kid just to see if she will fall for it. She catches him, and when she does, they both get a good laugh out of it. 

Codsworth - Is really happy to see that his mistress is being so kind to all of the children, and he is even more ecstatic to see that so many kids will receive presents at Christmas. He loves the Christmas spirit that is being spread, and he only wishes that people would keep that sense of goodwill even outside of the season.

Hancock - Just feels this genuine warmth overcome him and he cannot stop smiling every time that he looks over in her direction while she is working on the toys for the kids. He ends up making a whole speech at Goodneighbor about how at Christmas, they should show goodwill, and he makes sure to bring her up and talk a big lots about her good work.

Danse - Cannot help but smile when he sees her so hard at work on the toys. He actually even offers to help her since he knows how to work on some things. Most of his expertise is weapons and power armor, and as a result, there are a whole lot of toy guns made for the children of the Commonwealth.

Preston - Is overcome with a happiness he has not felt in a really long time. He has never been prouder that F!Sole is the general of the Minutemen, and he very happily spreads the word of her efforts and lets the entire militia know just how incredible that she is and how she is not only defending the Commonwealth but is also providing for some of its youngest members.

Valentine - Is very proud of her and makes sure to tell her just how he feels. He thinks that it is positively one of the sweetest things that she has ever done, and he feels a lightness within him that just lifts his very being. Whenever it is time, he is handing out the presents alongside her, looking at her with a deep fondness in his eyes the entire time.

X6-88 - Is not really overly outwardly affected by her work, but he is strangely inclined to at least help her hand the toys out. When she finally finishes making all of them, he offers to assist her with giving them to the kids. Of course, she lets him, and when they are both working together to give the gifts to the children, he feels the strangest satisfaction coming over him.

Dogmeat - Does not totally get what's going on, but he's totally on board with it. He is really excited when it is time to hand the toys out to kids, because almost every kid gives him a pet before leaving. He feels that this toy giveaway thing is an absolutely wonderful thing to do.

Strong - Does not understand but when she simply explains that she is helping people, he decides that's good and he leaves it be. When all of the kids come to get the toys, he is shocked by the amount of very tiny humans that she is apparently helping and does not exactly know what to think.

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