F!Sole Hugging Them

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Cait - Freezes immediately no matter whether the affection is in public or in private. The speed at which she loosens up depends purely on the setting. If she and F!Sole are around other people, she remains pretty stiff usually and feels like it makes her look weak. However, if it is just her and F!Sole, she loosens up pretty quickly and actually even melts into it pretty heavily. It's a pretty big deal to her to receive affection and to get it from her best friend and favorite person in the world is the most valuable of treasures. And if she's been worried about F!Sole or if she herself is upset for some reason, she reciprocates the embrace with an almost bone-crushing grip. She secretly likes long hugs, but she'd never let F!Sole know that, so F!Sole has to figure that out on her own.

Piper - Throws her off at first, but she quickly warms up to it. It's been a while since Piper really got any affection from anyone who isn't her thirteen-year-old little sister, so it's super nice to get hugs from F!Sole. Bonus points if F!Sole is a little older than her in terms of her technical Pre-War age and is a little motherly (like my F!Sole), because she really enjoys those really warm, comforting hugs that just wordlessly say that everything's going to be okay. That's a bit of comfort that Piper hasn't had since her father was killed, and she finds herself so thankful for it. She also loves long hugs.

Curie - If absolutely thrilled and is almost beside herself with the excitement of it all and actually being able to feel it like a human. She hardly knows what to do with herself because it is such a strange but very nice sensation, so whenever she is hugged, she has the slightest bit of tears brewing and she returns the hug as tightly as she can squeeze. However, her squeezes pale in comparison to Cait's. But once again, we have someone who loves long hugs and if F!Sole would let her, she'd hang on forever.

MacCready - Is extremely awkward with it. He nervously chuckles for a long while, asking her if all is well periodically despite her answers to the affirmative. He likes receiving hugs, but it 

Deacon - Is mostly cool with it, but if it's one of those long hugs, after a little while, he gets kind of uncomfortable. However, if the embrace doesn't last too long, he's a pretty good sport about it. He'll crack a joke, sure, but he does enjoy it as long as it's not too dragged out.

Codsworth - Enjoys it very much. It's a little bit awkward with all of his metal parts and appendages, but he does like to feel like he is truly part of the family despite his state as a robot butler of all things. He loves to be valued and it means so much to him to be treated as a human would be.

Hancock - Likes it. A lot. In fact, he likes it so much that he sometimes even will jokingly question if she needs one in an attempt to subtly edge her into offering one. It usually works, and he honestly just likes holding her in his arms. If he is a bit inebriated, he might try to turn it into something a little more than a bit inappropriate, but when he is perfectly sober, he doesn't try anything since he respects her so much and cares about her so greatly. 

Danse - Is honestly terribly taken off-guard and is more than a little uncomfortable at first. However, after a moment, he will settle down and return the embrace carefully. He's pretty much just there for it, and he'll gladly stand and enjoy it as long as F!Sole is willing to embrace him. He likes the feel of her head against his chest, and is a little afraid to ask for hugs himself, so he just eats it up when F!Sole offers affection like that. He's one of those folks that's super nice to hug. 

Preston - Enjoys it but is a little surprised at first. He quickly loosens up and enjoys it greatly. He likes to hug her and he finds it very relaxing to just hold her as long as she wants to hug him. He likes the feel of warmth in his arms, and he loves to be hugged tightly because it reassures him that she is indeed real and not some mirage that will disappear like so many other good things in his life have.

Valentine - Doesn't waste time in asking if something is wrong. However, when he figures out that all is well, he just chuckles a bit and pats her on the back affectionately. He likes it quite a bit, but worries about whether F!Sole is comfortable considering the fact that his arms and other components are made of metal and are a little unforgiving against skin. Once he is past that worry, he just relaxes with it and embraces her as carefully as he can, trying to avoid poking her with his one hand consisting of uncovered metal frame.

X6-88 - Doesn't like them and honestly doesn't want any whatsoever. He will constantly ask to return to the mission or whatever task they were doing beforehand. He's also very stiff when F!Sole actually manages to put her arms around him. He is at the utmost level of repulsed when she does, and he asks if she needs to consult a therapist.

Dogmeat - Loves, loves, loves hugs. Did I mention he loves hugs? He's the king of hugs and any time F!Sole hugs him, he's wagging all over, happiness pouring off of him in waves as he licks her chin and face and anything he can reach that's near his snout. He loves cuddles, too, and he'll gladly curl up in her arms as well as he can considering he's such a big boy.

Strong - Is confused and at first thinks that F!Sole is attacking him. When she manages to calm him down and explain, he thinks it's stupid and weak and doesn't want any part of it whatsoever.

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