Danse: His Platonic Relationships with Companions

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Cait - Danse tolerates her. He admires her melee abilities, but he thinks that she's much too angry and reckless. Additionally, her drinking habits irritate him because she is hardly ever sober. Of course, F!Sole assures him that most of the time, she is not drunk. Regardless, Danse feels that if she slurs her words and stinks that much of alcohol when not drunk, he does not want to see her "actually" drunk.

Piper - Danse doesn't like her. Piper is much too annoying and nosy for his tastes, but since she happens to be F!Sole's best friend, he tries to at least tolerate the reporter. However, Piper's incessant snide comments and prodding questions quickly get under his skin.

Curie - Danse is partial to her. He greatly admires her intelligence and scientific capability. Additionally, her innocence makes him want to somewhat help F!Sole protect her. These feelings of slight protectiveness have increased since he found out his true identity as a synth.

MacCready - Danse tolerates him. Danse respects MacCready's stellar shooting and aim, and even admires how MacCready stands by F!Sole, but Danse doesn't really like him outside of that.

Deacon - Danse doesn't trust him or like him. Deacon and his sunglasses annoy Danse. The former paladin can't help but always wonder about what Deacon's looking at behind the glasses and Danse perceives the sunglasses as some sort of cloak concealing Deacon's true identity and consequentially his true motives.

Codsworth - Danse likes him pretty well. Codsworth is always so cheerful that he can't help but smile a bit when Codsworth comes to him, offering assistance despite the fact that the robot likely has no idea about what Danse is working on. However, Danse always tries to give him little jobs like bringing him certain tools.

Hancock - Danse doesn't like him. Besides the fact that Hancock is a ghoul and could turn feral at any minute, Danse finds Hancock's chem habit to be absolutely revolting, insane, and reckless. Additionally, Hancock is always passing these snide remarks about him behind his back just in close enough range for Danse to hear.

Preston - Danse admires him. He thinks that Preston and the Minutemen's goal is admirable, and he appreciates Preston's dedication to bettering the Commonwealth and helping all the people within it. Danse always is up for helping Preston, F!Sole, and the Minutemen cause.

Valentine - Danse respects and somewhat likes him. Danse at first did not like him, but he ended up greatly respecting the synth when Danse discovered all of the good that the detective has done for the Commonwealth. Also, Valentine's subtle, classy, intelligent sarcasm appeals to Danse in some odd manner.

X6-88 - Danse can't stand him. In Danse's eyes, X6-88 is a machine created simply for the destruction of synths, and since F!Sole keeps reminding him of his own worth as a person, Danse really hates X6-88 for trying to destroy people of Danse's own kind.

Dogmeat - Danse secretly loves the dog. He doesn't want anyone to know (of course, everyone already knows) but he really does love the dog and always offers him pats when he thinks no one is looking. After all, he can't let his reputation be ruined.

Strong - Danse hates him. Danse cannot stand the super-mutant and thinks that he is an abomination that should be eradicated. It doesn't help that F!Sole keeps Danse from killing Strong or doing anything to provoke Strong. It always makes him irrationally angry when the green mutant makes fun of his power armor.

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