F!Sole Disappearing for Few Days and Returning with Shock Collar from Nuka World

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Cait - Is absolutely enraged the moment she sees what happened. A big part of her wants to go and clear out all of the Nuka World raiders and teach them what happens when you mess with her person. But then she decides that it would be best to at least try to get the shock collar off of F!Sole first. Cait herself is no stranger to shock collars, and she knows that one either has to very delicately pick the lock or have the key to get the thing off. So she very carefully starts picking the lock.

Piper - Is immediately in hysterics as she totally panics and tries to figure out some way to get the horrible monstrosity off. She does everything she can and searches through every single research file she has to try to find someone with the expertise to remove it. It terribly upsets her and she promises to find her Blue some help as soon as possible.

Curie - Is horrified and almost moved to tears. She immediately sets about trying to find some manner in which to get the thing off even though she has no idea how. It sends her into a frenzy, and her chest hurts with her intense concern for her best friend as she desperately searches for some way to break through the technology. She ends up trying to synthesize keys to experiment with.

MacCready - Is positively freaking out as soon as he figures out that the thing is around her neck. He desperately reaches out to her, aiming to at least try to pull the thing off or mess with it to see if it will come off, but she stops him, telling him how painful the shocks are when they activate. He desperately wracks his brain to figure out who could help her.

Deacon - Hurries her to Tinker Tom the moment that he finds out, and everyone at the Railroad does their best to help in any way they can. Soon enough, when it is evident that the collar will not come off of her, Deacon volunteers to go undercover and steal the key to get the thing off her neck.

Codsworth - As soon as he sees it, he is terribly distressed and has no idea what to do. He takes a look at it, and tries to remain as calm as possible even though he is totally at a loss as to what to do. He hovers around in a manner that resembles pacing as he desperately tries to think of someone who could help or think of some way that he himself can assist her.

Hancock - Is practically bristling as soon as he sees the ugly thing around her pretty neck. It is so wrong on her, and he immediately calls together a meeting at Goodneighbor asking everyone if they know anyone that could get this thing off of her. He will not rest until the collar is off of her.

Danse - Finds himself ready to kill whoever dared put this collar of shame and slavery on F!Sole. He is infuriated and is ready to attack the Nuka World raiders and demand a key to unlock this ugly shock collar. However, when he cools down a little, he realizes this will not work and he wants to try to somehow cut the collar off. But F!Sole quickly assures him that they need to think of a different solution to the problem that might not involve the possibility of cutting her head off.

Preston - Feels sick to his stomach at the sight of it. F!Sole is such a symbol of freedom for the Commonwealth, and now she has been enslaved by this shock collar. He quickly takes her to Sturges, and he tries his best to get it off. However, when Sturges is not able to remove it, Preston radio calls the entirety of the Minutemen, asking for people that could possibly know how to get this monstrosity off of her neck. 

Valentine - Is terribly upset at the very sight of it, and he immediately takes her to go see Doctor Amari in Goodneighbor. She is the only person he can think of that might have the knowhow to get this thing off of her. However, when she tries several times and it keeps shocking F!Sole, he wracks his brain for any other solutions.

X6-88 - Takes her to the Institute and brings her to the scientists that specialize in technology to see if they can get it off of her. While they are working on her, he pays the Nuka-World raiders a visit. When he finally comes back, his outfit is splattered with blood, but he is as stoic as ever. No one asks what he did and he does not tell anyone.

Dogmeat - Immediately senses the distress rolling off of her in waves, and he lays his ears back, sniffing at her neck as soon as she sits down and he can reach her. He whimpers before licking her chin gently. He then tries to bite the collar, but she gently scolds him and hugs him tightly. He whines and lets her hug him, his heart aching.

Strong - Does not at first understand what it is. When she tells him, he is angrier than she has ever seen him and he reaches out, aiming to rip the thing off of her and help in his own way. She quickly gets him to stop and she explains that it will hurt her if he does this without a key or something. He is even more enraged then and he proceeds to tell her that he is going to go find the key.

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