F!Sole Drinking

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Cait - Is easily down for it. No questions asked, she'll get drunk with them until they both pass out. Oftentimes, the next morning she wakes up to F!Sole sitting somewhere nearby, very embarrassed if she can remember anything or nursing a sever headache and wondering how in the world they both managed to lodge a bottle in the ceiling.

Piper - Automatically questions it. She knows that if F!Sole is drinking, then there's surely something wrong. She usually sits there, once or twice suggesting that F!Sole stop drinking, but ultimately stays until F!Sole pours her heart out.

Curie - Worries constantly over it, and usually F!Sole does not even try to drink in front of her because Curie constantly nags her about good health. The small amount of time that she does not spend nagging, she spends observing and taking notes to compare to the studies she has read. Which makes F!Sole very uncomfortable to say the least.

MacCready - Usually pretty cool with it. It doesn't bother him and he usually asks for at least one sip of it. However, if she really seems out of it, he'll usually get drunk with her and they'll both cry all over each other, spilling their woes.

Deacon - Doesn't care. In fact, he thinks it's good for her if it helps her cope with things and it's in relatively proportionate amounts. He hates to see her sad, and if the drink dulls things, he lets it go.

Codsworth - Usually doesn't even act as if the drink is any different than a glass of water. It does not bother him at all, and he usually cheerily brings her another if she asks for it, fulfilling his butler duties.

Hancock - Doesn't mind it in the least. After all, everyone needs a good rush, so if that's what does it for F!Sole, he's not going to stand in the way. But he does try to make sure she stays out of harm's way.

Danse - Dislikes it, but usually doesn't have too much to say about it. However, if he notices that drinking or her being drunk is hindering her duties, he strongly discourages it and tries to talk her out of doing it.

Preston - Doesn't approve, but he keeps a watchful vigilance over F!Sole and tries to convince her to go to bed as soon as she's through. If she refuses, he usually just talks to her until she eventually passes out. Unless it's a drink that's not too strong. Then he'll share it with her and talk to her.

Valentine - Doesn't really like it, but he lets it slide in favor of trying to talk to F!Sole. He knows something's usually wrong with her if she drinks, and he always tries to talk it through with her, providing gentle reminders that she should talk to someone before she goes downing every alcoholic beverage in sight.

X6-88 - Hates it. He feels that the drinking is a distraction and the ultimate waste of time as well as good body and mind. He immensely detests it, and he always is muttering disapproving comments the entire time that F!Sole drinks.

Dogmeat - Doesn't understand what it is, but he knows it smells horrible and F!Sole acts really strange after she's finished it all. He always watches her carefully when she partakes, and he never does have a good feeling about it.

Strong - Thinks that it's stupid and weakening, and that humans should not waste their time on it. He will get irrationally angry if F!Sole drinks in front of him, and he smashes nearby objects.

A/N: Feel free to give me a suggestion for a reaction if you guys want! Personally, my F!Sole doesn't drink or take chems, but I thought I'd show how the companions would react if she did, lol.

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