Touch-Averse F!Sole Letting Them Tend to Her Wounds and Hugging Them After

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Cait - Is very surprised that F!Sole let her help her like this, but she does not say anything, just acting as if it is normal procedure even if she does feel like if she makes one wrong move, it could drive the other woman away. But when she finishes and F!Sole gives her a swift kiss on the cheek before embracing her firmly, Cait is totally bumfuzzled. She very carefully puts her arms around F!Sole, not knowing what to do, but just deciding to go with it since she does actually like the feeling of holding someone so important to her in her arms. When F!Sole quietly tells her how wonderful of a friend she has been to her, Cait just shakes her head, muttering a "thank you" but truly thinking of how much better of a friend F!Sole has been to her.

Piper - Is honestly shocked that her Blue is letting her put her hands on her this much even if it is just to help with injuries. However, she feels honored that F!Sole is letting her do this since it shows such a great trust in her. So Piper tries to be as gentle as she can, hoping that this is the beginning of a deeper friendship between the two. And when F!Sole gives her an affectionate peck on the cheek and hugs her tightly, whispering all those heartbreakingly wonderful words to her as she just holds her tightly, Piper feels her stomach twist and her chest grow ridiculously warm as she grins unashamedly. She just nestles her face in Nora's shoulder, whispering a "you're welcome" and just enjoying how close she is to her best friend for the first time.

Curie - Is very pleased to finally be allowed to help F!Sole with her injuries. She is honestly surprised, but she is definitely not going to question it. She just appreciates that F!Sole trusts her enough at this point to let her get so close. However, when F!Sole kisses her on the cheek quickly before enveloping her in her arms, Curie is very pleasantly shocked, and she returns the embrace wholeheartedly, just enjoying the feel of someone she admires so much actually hugging her for the first time. And when F!Sole whispers how much Curie means to her, Curie sniffles, a few tears coming into her eyes as she feels completely full inside.

MacCready - Is very happy that she trusts him to assist with the bandaging of her injuries, and he tries to avoid touching more than he has to since he knows how she feels about this sort of thing. However, he is absolutely reeling when she suddenly kisses him on the cheek once he has finished, and when she hugs him and says what a wonderful friend he is, he is even more bumfuzzled. However, he carefully returns the embrace, not sure what to say but just grateful for the fact that she cares so much.

Deacon - Completely understands her trepidation about trusting others but is extremely glad that he is one of the few people that she does trust with this. He cannot believe that she is actually letting him put his hands on her this much without her flinching away, but he nevertheless tries to work quickly, knowing she must be uncomfortable. After all, he would be if he were in her position. But when she kisses him on the cheek and hugs him tightly before telling him how much he means to her, he is totally shocked beyond belief. It means quite a bit to him that she values him so highly, but he also is very uncomfortable himself and wonders just what has gotten into her to make her want to suddenly get so touchy-feely with him.

Codsworth - Is very pleased that she has trusted him enough to let him assist her with her injuries like this. He is absolutely as pleased as can be to serve in any way he can, but this great show of trust means the world to him. And when she actually kisses him on the side of his metal and wraps her arms around him the best she can before telling him that he has been an absolutely incredible friend to her, he thinks that he could practically die of pure happiness if he was actually human. He is smiling on the inside, and he tries his best to vocally express all that he is feeling.

Hancock - Hopes that this is the beginning of the two of them trusting each other even more. After all, Hancock trusts her completely, and it feels nice for her to trust him in return. He takes care of her wounds carefully, not taking too long but not moving too quickly either. He revels in the trust that is being placed in him. However, when she kisses him on the cheek, gives him a big hug, and explains that he means the world to her, he hugs her back just as tightly and smiles widely, absolutely adoring this newfound connection. He will remember this for a long time.

Danse - Greatly appreciates the trust that she is currently placing in him by letting him tend to her wounds. He is pleased that she has loosened up enough around him to let him help her how he knows that she would help him without any hesitation whatsoever. However, he is completely stuck in place when she kisses him on the cheek and hugs him warmly after he has finished helping her with the injuries. And when she says all of those sweet words to him, he can feel his heart melting into a giant puddle of goo. He carefully returns the hug, just enjoying the huge warmth that is making him feel so strangely whole. One thing is for sure. He will treasure this moment forever. 

Preston - Loves how she has decided to trust him. It means quite a bit to him that his General has finally reached the point that she trusts him when she is in such a compromising situation, and he makes sure to comment quietly what it means to him that she is letting him do this. When she offers him small kiss on the cheek and hugs him firmly before telling him just how much he means to her, he is very surprised but ecstatic. He hugs her in return, rubbing her back gently before patting it carefully. He is very happy to be friends with such an amazing person.

Valentine - Appreciates the trust she is placing in him, and he really likes that she is finally loosening up a little about things. He is careful to avoid hurting her when he tends to her wounds since he does not want to break this trust. However, to his surprise, when he has finished, she pecks him on the cheek and hugs him tightly before telling him that he is such a wonderful and kind friend to her. He feels a warmth spreading through his chest like no other, and he just hugs her in return, patting her back affectionately and smiling softly the entire time.

X6-88 - Is rather surprised that F!Sole has actually let him help her when she's so vulnerable, but he just keeps that surprise to himself. However, when F!Sole kisses him on the cheek quickly before hugging him like X6 has never been hugged before, X6 is honestly frozen. And when F!Sole tells him that he has been an absolutely wonderful friend to her, he is completely unable to move and he is just reeling as he wordlessly relishes the feeling of one of the few true hugs he has ever received.

A/N: I left out Strong and Dogmeat because Dogmeat can't really tend to wounds and Strong probably would never tend to someone else's wounds 😂

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