Shy Teen F!Sole Seeing Crush and Hiding Behind Companions

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A/N: Also, she proclaims, "Don't let him see me! I look like I just finished fighting a hungry deathclaw!"

Cait - Just chuckles and lets the kid hide behind her. However, just as he passes by, Cait reaches around behind her and gives her a literal shove in the right direction. F!Sole is horribly embarrassed, and she escapes the situation quickly, apologizing a million times. Cait just laughs out loud as F!Sole gives her the stink eye.

Piper - Just grins widely and playfully threatens to drag her out and introduce the two of them to each other. However, after reaching behind her and grabbing F!Sole's arm a few times, Piper just lets the whole thing go. However, after he's gone, Piper does make sure to tell her that she is way too beautiful to be scared of some boy. Piper tells F!Sole that if she had the confidence in herself and her appearance that Piper had in F!Sole and her looks, then F!Sole could totally land a date with him.

Curie - Is a little hard to hide behind because she is so small, but she lets F!Sole hide behind her. However, as soon as he is gone, Curie tells her that she should try talking to him since he is only a person. She also makes sure to inform F!Sole that she is always perfectly beautiful.

MacCready - Lets her hide behind him. However, when the boy's gone, he grins widely and asks her if she's really ready to catch cooties. Needless to say, he relentlessly teases her about her crush, but he ends up telling her that he thinks she could definitely talk to any boy she wanted to and that they'd be lucky to speak to her at all.

Deacon - Definitely does not let her hide behind him as he smiles that cheese-eating grin. In fact, he just gives her a pair of shades, letting her hide behind those and act like Joe Cool. He tells her to just be chill and talk to the boy. However, she ends up hiding behind a nearby tree, building, or rock.

Codsworth - Just chuckles knowingly, and lets her hide behind him. Despite the fact that she cannot hide behind him very well. However, if the boy gives them a strange look, Codsworth just speaks to him in a scolding tone, asking the boy if he had never seen a Mister Handy with five operating lower appendages as if it were the most normal occurrence in the world.

Hancock - Grins ridiculously widely, but he does let her hide behind him. As the boy passes by, however, Hancock starts a conversation with him, talking about this beautiful young girl that he knows that's around the boy's age. He makes sure to tell the boy her name and describe her to him. When the boy is gone, she comes out from behind him all in a tizzy. However, he tells her that he meant everything he said and he hoped that this helped her to get with the guy.

Danse - Allows her to hide behind him. He looks at the boy carefully, assessing him. Finally, when he is gone, he asks her why she was scared to speak with him. When she admits her crush on the guy, he is bumfuzzled and does not know what to say. However, he finally tells her that she does not need to be afraid of him and that Danse could stand nearby to ensure that the boy did her no harm. Danse does not totally understand why she wants to hide, but he means well.

Preston - Chuckles fondly, and lets her hide. He tries not to draw attention to himself and the girl behind him, and when the boy is gone, Preston asks her when she's going to talk to the guy. When she tells him that she probably never will, he assures her that she has nothing to be scared of and that she is one of the bravest people he knows. He is sure to tell her also that she is the prettiest girl in the Commonwealth. He thinks she can definitely take on a boy.

Valentine - Can't help the small grin that comes onto his face. He chuckles under his breath, and carefully watches the boy as he passes. When he's out of earshot, Nick asks her who her friend is. When she very hesitantly tells him that is the boy that she has a huge crush on, he just warmly tells her that she has nothing to be afraid of with him. He tells her that she's beautiful and that next time, she needs to actually talk to him.

X6-88 - Raises an eyebrow, but does not move and allows her to hide. However, when the boy is gone, he asks her why in the world she was hiding from him. When she explains, he asks her why in the world that someone who on the regular risks her life throughout the Commonwealth is afraid of some boy. It is strangely good logic, but it does not remove some of her fears about how she looks. He assures her that she looks just fine. 

Dogmeat - Does not know why she suddenly dropped on all fours and is almost hugging him from behind, but he is happy that she's down on his level. That means he can give her plenty of kisses super easily. However, she quietly tells him to stay, and although he is disappointed, he complies.

Strong - Stands there completely confused. However, when it actually catches up to him that she is hiding from someone, he very loudly asks her why she's doing that. He makes sure to proudly declare that good fighters never hide from bad guys. Needless to say, she is pretty humiliated by the time Strong is through.

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