Nerdy F!Sole and Companions Find Old Silver Shroud Set in Boston

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Cait - Does not really care about the whole thing, but she is pleased that F!Sole is so happy. Even if it is ridiculous. She just follows F!Sole around the set, listening to her practically endless babblings about the TV show and everything else.

Piper - Is really strangely interested in it herself. Her Blue really is taken with it, so she just rolls with the whole thing. She asks lots of questions, and when she pulls out Grognak the Barbarian's outfit from a nearby locker, F!Sole is almost hopping up and down with excitement.

Curie - Is very fascinated. She is not particularly a comic book or superhero fan herself, but she loves to see F!Sole's passion and it is interesting to her to figure out about the behind-the-scenes information.

MacCready - Is absolutely sure that he has died and went to heaven. He is positively enthralled by all of the superhero stuff all around him, and he is dying to look at absolutely everything. He is actually almost in tears when he looks at the beautiful holy grail that is the Silver Shroud outfit. He and F!Sole are nerding out the entire time they're there together.

Deacon - Thinks it's pretty awesome. He kind of wants to try on the Grognak outfit and the Silver Shroud outfit just to see how he looks in them. After all, disguises are his favorite thing, and he loves trying on clothes as if he is some sort of model.

Codsworth - Is quite pleased that F!Sole is enjoying herself so much. He makes quite a few comments about his memory of the Silver Shroud and the episodes he had seen. They even act them out together, and Codsworth laughs heartily as she puts on her best Silver Shroud voice.

Hancock - Finds it all to be sort of silly, but he finds her excitement to be adorable, so he does not say anything. He actually asks a few questions about the superhero, and she is more than happy to oblige as she practically talks his ear off.

Danse - Thinks the whole thing is very fascinating and he asks tons of questions about everything. He also finds the Silver Shroud submachine gun prop behind a curtain, and when he shows it to her, she looks like she could positively pop as she takes the thing from him and handles it with the utmost care as if it could break at any moment.

Preston - Politely listens to her and asks questions about it. Superheroes are not really his sort of thing, but he likes seeing how happy it makes her, so he just goes with it. He is a little bored there, but it is a new experience, so he just tries to embrace it for what it's worth.

Valentine - Feels nostalgia washing over him, and he is happy to talk about the Silver Shroud and his TV show. F!Sole and him share quite a few stories about it and they discuss what Nick knows of the lore, and F!Sole is more than happy to explain even more of it to him.

X6-88 - Does not really care about the entire thing. He just listens to her patiently, and hopes desperately that she will be ready to leave soon. However, when she shows him the Grognak the Barbarian axe, he is much more interested than before.

Dogmeat - Is very happy with how excited she is. He sniffs eagerly at everything, just loving her enthusiasm. When she places a scarf from the weird mannequin nearby around his neck, he is very happy. It's like a bandana, and he's getting tons of pets and praise, so he is more than willing to sit there and let her do what she wants with him.

Strong - Does not want to be here and thinks the whole thing is dumb. It is confusing to him as well, and he just hates the whole thing. However, when she gives him Grognak the Barbarian's axe and tells him he can use it until they get back to Sanctuary, he is much more enthusiastic and he is very happy to be here since they found a weapon.

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