Telling Joke So Good that F!Sole Laughs So Hard She Can't Breathe

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Cait - Actually does chuckle quite a bit alongside her. She's not really full-on laughing, but she's really loving that F!Sole got such a huge kick out of her joke. She bumps her shoulder into F!Sole's, asking her how she liked that, and F!Sole is wheezing at the very remembrance of the joke.

Piper - Is laughing just as much as F!Sole, both because she found it just as funny as F!Sole and because she gets a lot of enjoyment out of hearing F!Sole laugh. They both are laughing so hard that they're crying and cannot breathe, and when they finally manage to get it together, they take one look at each other before bursting into laughter again.

Curie - Is giggling maniacally alongside her, as she proceeds to try to explain the joke in case F!Sole did not understand it entirely and asking if F!Sole is alright in the midst of her laughter. However, as Curie tries to explain the whole thing and check on F!Sole, F!Sole calms down significantly, Curie's explanation greatly reducing the humor in the joke. 

MacCready - Is laughing a lot at both himself and her, and he actually loses his balance and falls on his butt on accident. F!Sole then really can't breathe and she's laughing so hard that she is shaking and her chest hurts as hot tears roll down her face. His behind is sore, but he is still really happy that she found it so funny.

Deacon - Is not laughing as hard as she is, and mostly is getting a kick out of watching her almost die over his joke. She is doubled over and after a moment, he tells her that she better not fall on her behind or he is definitely going to laugh. She quickly tries to pull herself together, but is very much failing miserably.

Codsworth - Laughs heartily for a moment, but soon calms down. After all, he is not programmed to continue laughing after the amount of time that was deemed appropriate by his creators after telling a joke. Due to this shorter burst of laughter, he is able to put more of his efforts into helping her calm down a little. 

Hancock - Is actually wheezing from laughing so much right alongside her. He is particularly pleased that she actually enjoyed it that much. He is holding his stomach and she is actually crying from the joke. She cannot hardly breathe, so he recommends using some jet as an inhaler just to add to her amusement. Needless to say, she is laughing even more after that.

Danse - Actually laughs a little with her. He finds it pretty humorous himself, and seeing her actually enjoying it so much makes his heart warm. When she is doubled over almost totally from the laughter, he tells her that she probably really should sit down before she falls. She ends up falling at that moment, and he laughs harder at the ridiculous sight.

Preston - Is laughing quite a bit, and he can't stop giggling at least a little even when they both have wound down some. The whole time, she is laughing so hard that she's crying, and it just makes him feel really warm inside that she liked his joke. They both are enjoying the joke way too much, but when she can't breathe well, he does check on her in the midst of chuckles and questions if she's alright.

Valentine -  Just reaches over to her, patting her on the back as she almost can't breathe from her own laughter. He tells her that the joke was meant to be side-splitting, but she should really try not to take that phrase literally. The deadpan manner with which he utters that comment sends her into even more hysterics.

X6-88 - Just stares at her as if she has completely lost her mind. After all, he had not exactly intended for the words to be a joke. In between laughter, she finally manages to ask him if he realized that he told a joke. As soon as he expresses that he understood the logic behind it but did not find nearly as much gratification from its telling as she did, she is laughing even more than she was before. When he recommends that she should sit down before she hurts herself, she is almost in the floor laughing.

Strong - Does not really understand what she thinks is so funny. He did not say anything funny.  In fact, with how she's laughing he almost thinks that she is insane. He has never laughed like that in his entire life. Why in the world is she laughing like that? After a few moments, he gets aggravated and tells her to stop laughing so much. Which cracks her up even more.

Maxson - Smiles a little as he listens to her cackle over the well-timed joke. When she is almost in the floor, he tells her that it really wasn't even that funny despite the fact that he knows it was. Which, of course, only serves to make her laugh even harder.

Sturges - Is grinning like crazy as he watches her. He is pretty pleased that he could bring such laughter to her, and she is leaning hard against him, holding her stomach with one hand while squeezing his shoulder to support herself as she cackles ridiculously.

Glory - Cackles with that raspy laugh, her eyes crinkling with mirth as she watches F!Sole double over with laughter. She playfully punches F!Sole in the arm, very pleased that F!Sole liked her humor. However, when F!Sole looks short of breath, Glory does worry about her a little, but they both are mostly just focused on the hilarity of it all.

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