F!Sole Carrying and Sleeping with Animal Plushie

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Cait - "That's cute. But if ye start asking me for a bedtime story to go with it, we're gonna have to have a talk."

Piper - "Aww, Blue... He's so cute! Y'know, I used to have a little dude just like this. I handed him down to Nat, but he's still hanging around. Probably under a bed or in a box... But he's still around somewhere!"

Curie - "Ooh!!! Madame, it is so adorable!!! Is this your-- how you say... Good luck charm?"

MacCready - "Hmm... Well, I'm into comic books, so I guess you're never too old for something if you love it, right?"

Deacon - "Next time we go undercover, you're going to play the little girl, okay? That little guy would be perfect to really sell it. Of course, if we really want to test our skills, let's dress him up like a raider. If people fall for that, we'll be pure legends back at HQ."

Codsworth - "What a charming little fellow, Mum! He's a little dusty, but nothing I couldn't fix up in a jiffy. Would you like me to give him a bit of a clean-up, perhaps?"

Hancock - "Well, well, well... If that ain't the most adorable thing I've ever seen, then I don't know what is."

Danse - "Soldier, I.... While I do not have an issue with your personal preferences in your belongings, perhaps you should keep this put away when we are aboard the Prydwen for the benefit of our credibility and the perceived reliability of our unit."

Preston - "Well, as long as he doesn't become your new second in command." *chuckles immediately after*

Valentine - "Huh. If you put a vault suit on that little guy, nobody would be able to tell you two apart."

X6-88 - "Ma'am, if I am not mistaken, that sort of item would belong to a child. I advise that you find a new home for it at once in case enemies start to consider us to be a laughingstock."

Dogmeat - Really wishes she'd throw it for him. He'd love to play with it. It looks like it would be so much fun to rip off its head and hear that wonderfully enthralling ripping sound that he adores so much. But since she seems so attached to it, and she scolds him when he tries to take it, he decides to very begrudgingly leave it alone. He still keeps a close eye on it, though, just in case she decides to change her mind.

Strong - "Bah! Tiny human carry silly toy! Tiny human need to throw it away or enemies will think tiny human weak!"

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